Chapter 10: Sena's Bloodlust

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"Your Highness, Crown Prince Arslan, forgive me for greeting you earlier from horseback." A woman with long silky black hair and green emerald eyes kneels on one knee. "My name is Farangis."

"I was formerly in service of the Temple of Mithra in Khuzestan. I cam in accordance with the dying wish of the previous High Kahina."

"You have my thanks, Farangis. You saved me earlier in my moment of peril."

A man arrives and kneels beside Farangis.

"And you are?" Arslan asks towards the man.

He had dark purple hair and blue eyes. He had a white cloth worn like bandana around his head.

"I escaped from the Royal Capital of Ecbatana for the express purpose of serving Your Highness." Gieve replied, having sparkles around him as he says it in a charming matter.

Sena's eyebrows twitched. She didn't feel any genuine feeling when Gieve said that but she felt he had no bad intention towards Arslan. Also, the Freelancer felt that she and Gieve would have a nice time together.

"Your Highness, the lady Queen Tahime was still well when I escaped." Gieve states.

"Truly?! Tell me everything you know!" Arslan says.

"It will be troublesome if the remnants of Kharlan's army comes back. Let us go somewhere." Narsus picks up a lit torch.

"Please wait just a short while, Narsus." Arslan called out.

The prince approaches the priestess. "I would ask a favor of you, Farangis. Will you offer up an elegy for the death of Kharlan and his men?"

Everyone had surprised looks on their faces. It was something they didn't expect from the crown prince.

"Some of them must have even had families in Ecbatana. Even then, they took part in this treachery. The reason must have been great."

"The Divine Mithra is the god of contracts and fidelity, but also the god of war. Please, a divine elegy to mourn the warriors."

"As you wish." Farangis goes to a cliff and kneels, with Arslan behind her.

"Mourning traitors... What a truly naive prince." Gieve mutters, leaving his spot.

"I heard that." Sena said out loud with her arms crossed, surprising Gieve. She was just behind him the entire time.

Gieve is a suspicious man, and Sena won't allow any chances of the prince to be in mortal danger. Watching him will be her role.

"Oh my, another beautiful woman! Your youth is that of no other!" Gieve says, trying to distract Sena. He even had sparkles around him.

"My youth is nothing but hardships. If every you inflict harm upon His Highness, you will not get away unscathed." Sena said threateningly.

"Of course." Gieve says with a calm look as he leaves but internally, he didn't want to see Sena again. Dangerous beauty, he thought.

"Looking forward to being here." Gieve says to Elam.

Sena goes back to Narsus and Daryun. The sky was getting clearer, the sun is going to rise in any moment.

"From five to seven, huh? Well, our fighting strength has increased by half, but can we really trust them? Especially that man." Daryun said. He was talking about Gieve.

"What I can say for now is that Gieve doesn't hold any bad intentions towards Prince Arslan. He is suspicious and mysterious, so I will be watching over him for the time being." Sena pointed out.

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