Chapter 3: Loyalty to the Royal Family

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Once the Parsian Army came through the gate that leads to Ecbatana during noon, people were there to see the victorious men. They continued forward up to the castle grounds and King Andragoras III was on his armor and horse to greet them with fearless eyes and a face that knows no defeat.

This King is to be feared

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This King is to be feared. Sena thought. As much as possible, she doesn't want to have anything to do with him.

In the midst of celebration inside the castle, Sena was summoned by His Majesty. She wasn't busy eating or drinking and she was only standing beside a wall, watching the army feast. Declining it would be impossible, so Sena went to his throne room with nervousness and wonder.

What does the King want with me? And to summon me in the middle of a celebration, it must be something important.

"You have summoned me, Your Majesty?" The Freelancer fell on one knee, bowing her head in respect. It was genuine respect but she had to force formality in her words.

To have an audience with the King himself, this is an impossibility that Sena never would have imagined. She, with no status, rank, or title is here before His Majesty.

"According to Daryun and to the soldiers, you have served the army well." The King's voice boomed inside the room and with the tone he used, he wasn't complimenting her at all. He was just merely stating.

"Yes, in order to bring immediate victory to Pars." Sena replied. What she said is true, but mainly because it was her job.

"You'll finish the celebration, receive your reward, and leave. Or am I wrong?"

"No, Your Majesty. You are completely in the right."

The King was silent for a while and the Freelancer had to resist not looking. Raising her head would be rude and impolite, especially if the King didn't tell her to do so.

"Freelancer, swear your loyalty to the Kingdom of Pars."

Without thinking or hesitating, she did as told. "I, Sena Prasya, swear my loyalty to the Kingdom of Pars."

"I offer you to be the Assassin of the Royal Family."

Sena raised my head to look at him to confirm what she was hearing. The King's face showed that he serious and his eyes can bring someone to complete submission.

That stern look on his face and eyes that are full of authority, he's demanding my service.

An assassin for the Royal Family?

"May I ask a question for clarification?"

The King grunted in approval, narrowing his eyes.

"Do I get to remain a Freelancer?" The King nods, getting impatient.

If she accepts, that would mean she'll be working for the Royal Family and she is to be expected to swear loyalty His Majesty. The Freelancer wouldn't be able to freely do what she wants. And if Sena declines, she might as well be on the death list of the King.

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