the star*t of it all

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I calld Nene wen I gt n d car...

*phone convo*

Nene~pooh: Hey boo

Me: whatz babez what you doing

Nene~pooh: nothing hoe I'm bord azs fxck

Me:get your lazy azs up and do some bitxh

Nene~pooh: stfu star what you doing

Me: I'm on my way over your house after I get some gas

Nene~pooh: ok bxtch hurry up (she semi yelled)

Me: hoe stop yelling and iight i love you sis bye

Nene~pooh: i love u to hoe

*End of Phone Convo*

I was just pulling up to the store when my song quiet time by august alsina came on. "this my shxt." I yelled 2 myself then started singing while just sitting in the car. when I finally got out the car I seen this group of sexy azs dudes looking at me but 1 in particular caught my eye an ooowww lawd he was a tatted up brown skin dread head an his swagg was right/on pointt. I just kept walking an acted like I ain't see them scoping me hard as fxck. after I paid for the gas I walked out an 1 of the boys who was wit the dread head was standing by my baby blue camero waitng for me. "whatz up baby? what you got going on" he said looking me up n down while licking his dehydrated azs lips. " I aint your baby an what the fxck you worrying bout wat I got going on but its obvious im about to pump gas....dumb azs." I said with attitude and rolled my eyes. "bxtch you need to watch who the fxck you talking to like that...I was just trying to fxck anyways." ....what the he didn't just call me a bxtch I laughed a little trying to process what he just said 2 me but the next thing I know I punched his direspectful azs in the mouth and said "hoe azs nigga I ain't no bxtch-" before I could get the rest out he slapped the fxck out of me and pushed me against my car forcefully n before he could say anything I got to whooping his azs n he fell and I got on top of him then it was over cause I was going to work on his face sending punches after punches. I drifted out of character until I felt somebody picking me up off of ole was the dread head. he took me to the car they was standing by before, while the rest of his niggas was helping ole dude, I think his name is tee cause the dread head said "yall get tee while I get ole gurl." when he had came to get me off "tee" or whatever. "get in the car." he said with his cute azs deep voice. "no nigga i dont even fxcking know why in the fxck would I get in the car with you...?" I asked with attitude. "because I fxcking said so now get your azs in the car before I..." he said in edgey voice then just stopped. I guess I was pissing him off so I just did as told an got in the fxcking car cause I ain't got time to fight this nigga to.... I looked in the mirror and this nigga had done busted my lip... I was pissed off at this point ready for my round 2...

5 minutes later my phone vibrated and it was Nene callin... I was so busy fxckin with these niggas and forgot I was suppose to be over Nene's house about 20mins ago. I had 5 missed calls and 4 unread text messages

*message convo*

Nene~pooh: star where you at hoe you pose to been here

Nene~pooh: bxtch call me

Dre: star where the fxck you at cause i called Nene n she said you ain't over there..

Dee: im going to slap the hell out of you when I see you with your lying azs talking about you going 2 to Nene's house and like I said before you left you better not be with no nigga and if you is when I find out im going to put a bullet in his azs and whoop yours .

*End Of Convo*

while I was on instagram the dread head got in the car and said.....

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