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I looked up at the beautiful but mocking eyes of Vernon. He had a smug smile on his pretty lips and I swear, if I could I would have slapped it of his face.

"Well. Look who we got here. The little low quality kid", he bowed down a bit and looked into my eyes. Ass!

I jumped up and planed a punch on his jaw, but he easily dodged it. "Did that crazy old man of a father not teach you some manners?!", I shouted.

"How do you dare talk about the king of gods?!", Vernons spear pointed at my throat in less then a second. To be fair, my magic stick was just millimeters above his heart as well.

"Stop it", the voice, although only a whisper, shook my whole body, and rolled through the hall. Only a god could have such an impact. And I was right, Athena, Hera, Dionyseus and my mom entered the hall.

"Stop fighting with that boy, Sora", my mum commended and went over to stand next to me.

Hera sighed, "The others will be here soon, we should go ahead and discuss the current problems with the other higher gods". My mom threw an angry expression at her, but Hera ignored it.

The gods lead us in a second, way bigger hall. Twelve seats were placed in a half cycle, one for every of the main gods. Zeus, the king of gods and father of many of them had his throne in the middle, it was the highest and biggest chair. But right now it was empty, as well as the chairs of his brother Poseidon and the gods we came here with. All the other seats where taken. Demeter, Artemis, Apollo, Aphrodite, Hephaistos, Ares and Hestia. Athena and Hera took their places as well, while my mom and Dionyseus stood next to us.

"Welcome my children", Hera started to speak and everyone quieted down, "you all know why we are gathered here and you know what we have to do". Well guess what, I don't.

"Since my poor husband and brother fell into their madness, Olymp and the world as we know it are in danger. We decided to call the best and most fearless of our child's to go and find a way to free Zeus and Poseidon from their pain", Hera explained.

Wait, so Zeus finally went crazy as in the crazy way of crazy? I looked over to Vernon and saw on his shocked face that he didn't know about this. Now I felt bad for making fun of him and his father and for calling his father a crazy old man.

"Why didn't you tell me?", I angrily stared at my mom. "That would have changed nothing. He is still an annoying kid", she looked at me with her I-know-best face that I had hated since little and turned back to Hera.

The mother of gods had continued her explanation, so I directed my attention back to her. "Athena choose the best children of us and invited them, they should arrive any minute".

As on commando the door opened and a punch of kids entered.

Semi Gods [Seventeen apply fic]Where stories live. Discover now