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Team 2


After the first team had left, the hall looked nearly empty. No wonder had most of the people just left. The rest of us was awkwardly looking from one to another, unsure of what to do next.

There were two people I had not met before. A man with an irritating wide smile who was loudly chatting with Dino, the son of Apollo. And a girl with long nearly white hair and bright blue eyes, who sat only a few meters away from me. She had not spoken a word to anyone else over the while evening and even now her eyes were mostly fixed on the table. However, I caught her glancing up once a while and peering at Seungcheol and Jeonghan who sat across from us.

Apart from us, there were four more semi gods. Nao and Jeon Nara, two girls from the camp, sat not far from me either, only to my other side. As far away as possible from those two sat Wonwoo, the son of Athena, and glared at them. The ongoing fight between Jeon Nara and Wonwoo was not a secret in the camp, but to be fair there was nearly no time Wonwoo did not wear a rather fierce stare. According to his fan girls, that was what made him so desirable after all.

The camps heart drop number one had never been much of my interest though. I was too busy dreaming after Seungcheol. Hot, adorable Seungcheol. How could someone look so cute and dangerously hot at the same time?

Right now he was talking to Jeonghan and I felt my heart weary a bit. Jeonghan was Seungcheols best friend and right hand, there was nearly no time you would not find those two together. But Jeonghan was the most beautiful man on earth and their touches always seemed to be a bit too long and lingering. It hurt, because I did not stand a chance against Jeonghan.

"Excuse me", a rather small voice drew me out of my thoughts, "I am Lijana". The blonde girl held out her hand. She had closed up to me in the time I was staring at Seungcheol and now sat next to me with a soothing smile on her lips.

"Hello, I am Railyn", I shook the offered hand.

"Nice to meet you", I looked at her more closely and noticed an odd bulge under her jacket. "Who's daughter are you? My dad is Poseidon by the way". I was about to reveal that my dad was Ares, the god of war, when the bulge suddenly started to move wildly and let out small muffled gulping noises.

"What...?", I began, but Lijana had already opened her jacked and a small blue seahorse shot out and flew against me.

"What is that?!", I shouted and backed away, hands balled, ready to fight.

"Oh, that's Nib, my Atlantic seahorse", she smiled up at me and the blue fellow flew to her and bushed against her hand. I wondered how it was able to survive without any water and how it managed to stay in the air even without flipping the small wings on his back.

"Atlantic Seahorse?".

"Yeah, extremely seldom creatures and very shy. Except this one. I met him on a mission and since then Nib has been following me around", Lijana explained while patting the seahorses head.

We were interrupted by Nao and Crystal. Two other campers, whom I had talked to a couple of times before, but we never got really close. There were both nice girls and whenever we actually did meet and talk, I got along with them pretty well.

But as the daughter of Dionysus, Crystal was just to wild and loud to me. She knew thousands of different ways of how to have fun and it happened quite often that a party broke out when she stayed at one place for  to long.

Nao was the complete opposite, she was a small, sweet girl, that was so quiet and

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