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I took two steps at once, watching my feed carefully to not fall down the stairs. "Save!" I happily pushed the doors open and entered the museum. With a short glance at the clock above the entrance, I kept my pace towards the stuffs room and hurried to change.

The day had started normal. I woke up to my father making breakfast and left for school. In hindsight I should have stayed at home.

Just after classes ended and I left for my part time job, someone run against me and threw all my books on the floor. I usually am already short on time and so missed the bus to the museum.

That was the first odd thing that happened today. The second occurred after I left the staff room and was about to begin my shift.

I have been working at the museum for the last two years and every day an old lady would come and take a stroll through the exhibition. Among the workers of the museum she had the nickname 'old Lady Mary' and occasionally I would go and talk to her.

At one of our conversations I asked her why she would come here every day. "Emily my child", she smiled at me, "Did you ever fell in love before?" I looked at her surprised, what kind of question was that? Of course I had several crushes, but somehow none of them ever seemed to work out.

Not because they didn't like me, but because as soon as they asked me out, I lost any interest in them and turned them down. You might think I am a horrible girl for doing so, but everytime it turned out to be a good decision. The guys turned out to be involved with something illegal or ended up treating their next girlfriend badly.

Mary just giggled at me, "I see". What exactly did she mean with that? I looked at her confused but was ignored. "You see", she started again, "many years ago, I met my dear husband under that bow for the first time". Old lady Mary pointed at one of the old Greek bows and sighed.

"Why are you sighing?" I asked, "Is ... Did ... Where is your husband now?"

"He didn't die if that's what you are thinking".

"Then how come he never came along?"

"He is busy".

And with that our conversation was over. I learned to never asked her about her husband again, instead spend the time with asking about her day and children.

When I came by her usual place today, the space was empty. No Mary.

And that brings me to the last unusual event. While strolling through the halls and making sure no one of our guests tried to touch anything, I suddenly heard a faint cry. Following the light noise, I stumbled into the old Greece exhibition.

A small girl, maybe five, stood under Marys bow and cried.

"What happened? Why are you crying?", I run towards her and kneed down in front of the girl.

"I can't find my mommy", she hiccupped with teary eyes.

"Oh no. I will come help you find your mom, ok? Don't cry", I tried to smile reassuringly at her and wiped away her tears.

A short nod by the little head and I extended my hand for her to take.

"Let's go find her".

The girl was just about to take my hand, when one of my co-workers interrupted. "Emily, what are you doing?" I turned around, "I was just about to help this little girl, Jack. Did you perhaps see anyone, searching for their daughter?". "No, no one is looking for a lost child. And ... Emily, there is no little girl next to you. Are you sure, you are alright?" Jack looked at me worried. "The little girl right here", I pointed to my left, where I remembered the girl, "Can't you see her?" But he was right, when turned back and looked down, the little girl was gone.

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