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In the end Nara came along as well, but she was grumbling something about "annoying moms" and "good for nothing beauty goddesses" and I was more than sure that her mother had forced her.

She became even more annoyed, when crystal started to excitingly shout and wave, after she had spotted the camp-boys. Nara groaned annoyed the second she saw Wonwoo following behind Seungcheol and Jeonghan.

Wonwoo rolled his eyes at her, "Great, who invited her".

"What's that supposed to mean".

"It means, that I don't want to spend my first Olympic fires with a nagging, boring Miss I-Know-it-all".

"You! Argh!", Nara looked like she was about to lunge herself at him and strangle him.

Great, two minutes and the both were already at each other's throats.

Luckily Seungcheol stepped between them, "Stop it! Both of you. We haven't even started the mission and you two are already trying to kill each other. Maybe leave that to the monsters".

In moments like those it became more than clear why Choi Seungcheol happened to be the leader of the Hephaestus cabin. Authority basically radiated from him and he seemed to grow for a couple of centimeters. Apart from that it was more than clear to better not get on his nerves. Nara might have been a greater fighter than him and Wonwoo was without doubt wittier and faster, but Seungcheol was strong, strong enough to deform a shield, with only a well aimed punch from his side. Clearly he was freaking hot right now.

The two arc enemies shared one more hateful look before they moved behind their group of friends to get as much distance between them as possible.

I however, was still happily staring at Seungcheol and counting all his great traits in my head. How could someone just be so cute and hot and strong and sensible at the same time.

"Yah Raylin", Nao slightly kicked my shoe, "snap out of it".

I guess Seungcheol appreciation time is over. I turned to Nao, expecting her to update me on what I had missed in the last few minutes, when I noticed the uncomfortable tension between Lijana and Jeonghan.

The daughter of Poseidon had mentioned before that she and Jeonghan were no strangers. Judging by Jeonghans icy stare though, their relationship was not friendly either.

"Nice to see you again Jeonghan", Lijana brightly smiled at him and held out her hand.

"You", Jeonghans voice was as cold as his eyes, no need to mention that he did not bother to shake Lijanas hand either. "What are you doing here".

"The same as you I guess. Searching for a healing portion for Zeus".

Jeonghan groaned, "Great, what have I ever done to deserve this!".

"Don't you think you are overdoing it a bit", Lijana tried her best to not show how hurt his command made her feel, but the shaking hands behind her back gave her away.

"Overdoing it? First you called me a "pretty girl" and then you forced me into the girl's locker. And when I tried to explain to you that I am a boy, you ignored me and instead started to undress me!"

"I was ten. You had long hair and were wearing make-up. How should I have known that you are a boy?!"

"That's not a reason to just start undressing someone in front of a dozen girls!"

"I thought you didn't know how to get out of the costume ...", suddenly Lijana seemed to be very interested in her own shoes, "I only wanted to help".

Jeonghan snorted, "You really get a kick out of humiliating me, huh?" He pushed through us, strong enough to make Lijana loose her balance and land on the floor.

Seungcheol ran towards her and helped her up, "Sorry, he is usually not so mean. I will go talk to him, I am sure he didn't mean it". But the snigger we could her from the latter showed more than clear, that Yoon Jeonghan did in fact plan on hurting her.

With Jeonghan, the rest of the boys left as well and thought I would have enjoyed staring at Seungcheol for a little longer, I was glad they did. Nao and I looked Lijana up and down to check wether she had gotten hurt and Crystal made use of her powers of being Dionysus daughter and got us all a nice cup of liquid chocolate.

While we were strolling around the fires, which shone in every known color, Lijana began to explain the very amusing story on how Jeonghan and her had met for the first time.

"Well, were to start? As the daughter of Poseidon I grew up at my mums, just like any other demigod. However when I turned right my mum got sick and a year later she died", Lijana began.

"My uncle took me in. He loved my mother and me a lot and even believed her on who my father was and how they had met. So shortly after I turned nine, I moved to him. My uncle, you know, is a circus directer. Probably one of the reasons he believed the whole half-god-thing. I grew up in a moving circus getting the chance to see all kinds of cities and the fact that we were always moving kept the monsters away, so the rest of my childhood was pretty great. When I started to show signs of my abilities, my uncle and my circus friends started teaching me everything they knew. Those people know a lot of ways on how to stay alive and some of them even knew the one or other fighting techniques".

"When I was ten, we happened to meet another group of performers and decided to have a short cooperation. That's when I met Jeonghan. He was already super beautiful back then and just like now he wore his hair long and open. I might have seen a lot of curiosities in my live, but at the age of then I still believed in what bedtime stories had told me. Girls had beautiful long hair and men hat short hair. A girl was pretty, a men was handsome. I wasn't trying to be mean or anything, but that's how I saw the world, when I was still small. So I falsely mistook him as a girl and he seemed kind of lost and was wandering around the girls tent when I found him."

"As a kid I was pretty talkative, you know, especially since I hadn't met a kid my age for a long time. So I kind of ended up blabbering around and dragging him into the woman's locker room. He was still wearing his costume and those things can be quite tricky to get of. When he didn't start undressing I thought he needed help and was just to shy to ask. So I started unzipping him."

"That must have woken him up from his shock of being in the girls room, since he panicky stopped me and started to shout at me and accusing me of trying to rape him. I was pretty shocked and scared of him after that outbreak", Lijana giggled. "But I swear, till now I have never met some one more beautiful than him. I just wish he could forgive me".

Crystal and Nara were practically wheezing on the ground. They both knew Jeonghan quite well and it was no secret that he loved his hair and would kill anyone who even went as far as look at him funny. Puls the Hephaestus offspring was quite proud. That girl room incident must have irked him on for years.

"Oh by the gods, I would have paid a fortune to see perfect Yoon Jeonghan all flustered in the girls locker. I bet he was all blushing in embarrassment and swelling on in anger. Ah, imagine him having to try explain what he did in the girls room later on".

Crystal broke out in fits of laughter again and since It is impossible to stay sad at Crystals loud and carefree laughter it did not take long for us to join in. Even Lijana slipped a few giggles.

And so on that very night, we five girls bounded over Jeonghans flustered face and Lijanas awkwardness and our endless giggles.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2017 ⏰

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