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Most of the semi gods were easily recognizable by their thin and clean day dresses. Compared to the visitors, who were stuffed with weapons and safely packed in their suit of armor.

But I knew I wouldn't be able to recognize Suzu in that way. As the daughter of Zeus, the highest God and ruler over the sky, she was expected to be great in actions and thoughts and especially in the art of fight. Short, she practically had to train every free hour. Additional to that, her brother was a well known semi God and as the older sister, she had to deal with a lot of pressure to be at least able to keep up with her brother.

Therefore I was not the least bit surprised when I found her stabbing down two Minotaurs and trying to doge three harpies. Before you wonder why those monsters where so dumb to attack a semi God in the center of Olymp, I probably should have explained to you how this city worked.

Olymp might be the greatest city a human, monster or God had ever seen, but due to the gods blindness to their own mistakes, it was way to small to fit all their kids and fallen heroes. Now, since Greece had always been the country of science, philosophy and architecture, Athena didn't take long to plan additional accommodations for the new residents. The only thing the great Athena did not think of, was a training arena. A place her children and other semi gods would be able to improve their fighting abilities. No one would dare to inform the great goddess of intelligence that she missed an important fact in her plans, so we semi gods came up with our own way of training.

At so called TM or training meetings, semi gods could pay to fight against their chosen amount and kind of monsters. You would have to pay for reviving potions and all the things you destroyed in your fight.

Thanks to one of those TMs, I got to know Suzu. It was my first time in Olymp and the traumatized and fearful kid I was back then, I misjudged the situation and thought those two Cyclopes were attacking the young girl. Suzu still laughs at me whenever she remembers how the eight year old me jumped on one of the Cyclopes and tried to knock him out with the way to long stick she got from her immortal mother. Bag then I used magic for the second time in my life, little sparks that did basically nothing to the Cyclop.

I smiled at the memory and looked over to Suzu, who just happened to grill the last harpie. It smelled like grilled chicken and my belly sounded out its emptiness.

"Hey Sora! I didn't know you are here", Suzu smiled at me and waved, while drowning the death bodies of her enemies in a golden substance. One after another, the body parts found their way back and the monsters raised again.

"Yeah, my mom teleported me just now", I smiled at my friend and nodded towards the fallen monsters.

"Ah, a new errand. I got one too, dad even called Vernon back to join me", Suzu waved at the monsters and bowed before coming closer to me. Her bow and the lighting-arrow disappeared on her back with a swift motion.

I hugged her as a greeting, "Hey long time no see. What happened while I was gone?".

"Not much to be honest. My dad got three new kids and Hera tried to drown two of them .... Ahm ... Ah, right! I got a mission and I didn't hear anything from my dad for the last two months! I guess he has not enough time for his less successful kids, aka everyone who is not Vernon. But who can blame him, if I would have so many kids, I wouldn't have much time for each of them either", Suzu laughed humorlessly.

None of us semi gods got to meet their parents often, but I guess it was even worse if you lived in Olymp, door to door with your godparent.

I nodded, unsure about what to say and led Suzu to the next restaurant, "Lets get something to eat, I always loose the content of my stomach when traveling with that nasty green steam". Suzu giggled and followed me inside the restaurant.

Two hours later and we had both gotten to the newest updates of our life's. I was just about to tell Suzu, why I had to flee the angry mob, when a tall and handsome guy appeared next to Suzu.

"Hey, we have to go, dad sent his favorite herald. We are supposed to meet him for the new mission", the guy totally ignored me and impatiently waited for Suzu to leave with him.

I looked at him perplex and extended my hand, "Hey I am Sora, nice to meet you". He threw me a short look but didn't show with any other action that he heard me.

"Ahm", I cleared my throat and repeated, "I am Sora. What's your name?".

"Vernon", was all he said. So that is Suzus brother and Zeus favorite kid. What a ass.

"Nice to meet you Vernon. I-", I continue politely but got interrupted by him.

"Listen kid of a second quality goddess. I got some important things to do and really don't have time for your meaningless talk", Vernon looked down at me and tore Suzu up. Without a second word, he stormed out of the restaurant, Suzu right behind him.

Second quality?! Meaningless talk?! Self loving roster! I am not less important than you! I literally stomped my feed and got up. Now that Suzu was gone, I could just go back to my mom as well.

I was just about to leave the restaurant, when green steam creeped through the door. Not again!

"Mum! I was just about to go back! Couldn't you have waited five more minutes?!" I sprinted out and through the streets. But you can't flee green stream that easily. Six seconds into the outside world and the steam devoured me.

The next second I stumbled and fell on the floor. Directly in front of Vernon's feet.

Semi Gods [Seventeen apply fic]Where stories live. Discover now