The Netherlands X Tulip

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warning this is the Netherlands fucking himself with a flower. Dont like dont read. This is all just for the fuck of it dont take this seriously.

The Netherlands was walking around outside of his lovely home. There were literally thousands of tulips planted around that he took care of with all of his heart, these tulips and his rabbits were the only source of happiness he had other then looking at pictures of Denmarks  ass. Damn have you seen that Danish ass?  He can make any man gay as fuck..... But today Mr dutchman here wasnt in the mood for another human or rabbit to fuck, he was being a bit curious. And if youve read the title you can probably guess where im going with this. He was on his way over to his prized tulips near the front of his garden. His favourite, most beautiful tulip he had grown was a rare red based tulip with white speckled here and there. It was majestic trust me even though i can barely fucking describe it. He had about 5 or 6 flowers like this and he wasnt a man to sell this beauts, he walked up to one and carefully plucked it "het spijt me..." he murmured softly to the precious tulip. He quickly hurried back to his house passed all of his precious rabbits who looked slightly disappointed that they weren't the lucky thing being fucked that day. Mr. Dutchman didnt seem to mind though, those rabbits could go fuck themselves. He was so fucking horny for this flower its not even fucking funny oh my god. He raced inside his house and gently laid his tulip lover on the pillow of his bed as he stripped down quickly leaving himself bare with a giant fucking erection oh my god yo u dont understand how big his Amsterdam is if you know what i mean ;;))). He got onto the bed and grabbed a bottle of lube that he didnt use to finger fuck himself at night whilst thinking of Slutmark...nooooo that isnt it.. He had it for....*cough* house work yeah..... He opened the bottle up and poured a bit of the contents out onto his fingers so he could finger fuck his ass to loosen himself up. He slowly pushed one of his fingers into his hole quickly thrusting the digit in and out of him before adding a second and third finger quickly. It only took him about a minute or so to loosen himself up a bit  before he grabbed the precious flower and shoved it up his ass. He moaned out loudly at the immense pleasure at this and tried thrusting it in and out of himself causing some/most of the petals to pull off. The entire 10 minutes he was fucking himself with a god damn fucking tulip he was having thoughts about his long time crush Daddymark.... *sigh* sooOOOOoooo dreamy oh ym god he only craved for that mans cock. But some fucking Norwegian had claimed his ass fuC K. His thoughts were whiped clean once the stem of the tulip hit his prostate, He letting out a loud ass fucking moan as he continued shoving the flower into that spot. a few more seconds passed and he had finally hit his climax and came all over his bed. He pulled out what he could of the flower and rested it on his pillow as he laid next to it. The dutchman let out a content sigh and gently caressed the half of a tulip (the other half was in his ass but he didn't feel like pulling it out) before pressing a soft kiss to it. Odd it tasted weird. I WONDER WHY. After a minute of admiring his dying lover he slowly fluttered his eyes closed and drifted off to sleep.


The next morning Luxembob had to go to Netherdicks house to wake him up because he usually was up at fucking 6 AM and it was almost 8. He walked through the long ass fucking garden and noticed all of his sad rabbit . Odd. Very odd. He ignored it though and walked into the house and upstairs to his friends room  "Mr. Nederdick~! Im here to check in on you are you al- oh my fucking god im dONE" he yelled stomping back downstairs resulting in the dutchman to wake up.  "oh fuck lUX IM SORRY YOU HAD TO SEE THIS" he yelled down to him.


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