Chapter 16

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*2 Months Prior* 

(In a dark, misty forest stood an old abandoned cathedral. It was near midnight and the entire area seemed deserted except for two fallen angels that stood in front of the cathedral. One had a spear in his hand and the other held a black broadsword. They guard the only entrance and stood vigilantly.)

F. Angel 1: Huh? Look at that. (Points forward)

(A hooded, cloaked figure could be seen walking through the mist approaching the cathedral.)

F. Angel 2: (Clenches hilt of his sword) Halt! Who are you?

(The hooded figure stopped a few meters in front of them.)

???: ...Are the Forsaken members meeting here?

F. Angel 2: I asked you a question! Who are you?!

???: I’m someone who needs an audience with them.

F. Angel 1: Ha! Aren’t we all? Turn around if you know what’s good for you. They aren’t to keen to unexpected visitors. 

(The hooded figure stood still for a second before he reached inside his cloak and unsheathed a sword.)

F. Angel 1: (Readies spear) Are you insane?! You honestly think you can get past us? They are at least fifty hand picked extremely powerful dark and rogue beings defending this place. You can’t possibly hope to get in there.


(Inside the center of the Cathedral was a large room. A large circular table was at the rooms center with 10 individuals seated around it. They were all hooded as well and spoke softly in the silence of the dark room. Each wore a necklace. Their necklaces had numbers on them ranging from 1 to 10.)

#9: I think we should attack now. They’ll never suspect it all. This would surely lead to the war we all want.

#6: Do you not know the power and resistance of that city? If we attacked as se are currently, we’d no doubt get wiped out easily.

#10: This is why we need a plan or strategy to attack. Waiting only prolongs the inevitable that we will.

#4: But it also gives us time to better prepare ourselves.

#8: (Looks to #1) What do you-

(The door blows open. A lone fallen angel falls to the floor in front of of the 10 and smoke comes through the door, obscuring the view of the hallway. Then, a single blew flame begins to illuminate the room as the hooded figure from before walks through the smoke.)

???: 50...just as the guard at the entrance said.

#10: Who the hell are you?

???: I’ve no time to answer your questions, but I demand your assistance.

#9: Demand? Ahahahaha! I don’t think you know who you are talking to, do you?

???: ...The 10 members of the Forsaken; some of the most despicable, evil and strongest fallen angels, demons and rogue dragoonity. I know who you are.

#7: If that’s true than you should also know that you can’t waltz in here making demands. We are all easily stronger than you so why don’t you just tell us who you are and we might let you live.

(The hooded figure hesitated for a sec before pulling his hood off. There was a slight stir among some of the Forsaken as the light reflected off of his black hair, gray eyes and long face. #s 9 and 10 both stiffened a bit while 7 and 4 glanced at each other.)

Eric: I am Eric Dragoon, Prince and Heir of the Dragoonity Throne.

#4: I understand now. (Looks to #1) He’s was one of the disciples at that dojo you told me to watch.

#2: Giving out private missions now are we brother? Well I’d like to hear all about it.

(Eric wanted to question why they had been watching Norrileechanku but he had more important affairs to deal with at the moment.)

Eric: Now that you know who I am, I’m sure you will be more compliant.

#4: Ha! You have no power here Prince. And I know exactly what you want, help finding your brother. You lost track of him about two months back and need our resources.

#1: I’d like to know why you need our help if you were able to find us. An organization that hardly any know of and what those few that know believe to be a rumor. You should also give us a good reason why we shouldn’t just kill you.

Eric: ...I have many resources of my own. They were able to track you guys down based on rumors. You all only meet together like this once every four months and lucky me this time you were meeting on Earth. While they are only few rumors about your whereabouts during these meetings...the person I’m looking for has thousands of them floating around and I can’t risk investigating each or I’ll just get caught. But you know who I am; the consequences of my death will be fatal to those who cause it. I’m the prodigal son of Diablo Dragoon that got away. If I die, as much as I hate to admit, he’ll rain down hell for my death. And my sources will know if I die here now.

#2: Heh you think you have all the cards? What you said is true but we can just knock you out and vanish. I doubt you’ll find us again or we can imprison you and use as a bargaining chip with your father, which sounds better doesn’t it?

#1: Again... Give me a reason.

(Eric clenched his fist hoping they wouldn’t go there. He knew this maybe his only chance to find Dominic so he relaxed.)

Eric: Even if you have watched me, I doubt you’ve seen my full power. If I went in my dragon state I’m sure that’d make about half of you second guess yourselves. (Looks down struggling to continue) But I won’t attack you... If you help me, I’ll join you. My power and knowledge of the Dragoonity will be an asset to whatever you are trying to do.

#2: Now that’s a reason.

(#1 stares at Eric before he murmured something and a hologram like screen appeared at the middle of the table.)

#4: Even after that little debacle of yours, we’ve been paying attention to all of you. Take a look.

(Eric stared up at the screen, his anticipation building.)

Eric: Is this real time?!

(#4 nodded)

(In the screen, a small town could be seen in the desert of Arizona. A young male then walked past it towards a group of people who were all on top of a cliff near the town. The male stopped in front of someone offscreen.)

???: Is this it Channing?

Channing: We’ve confirmed that this is the small city started and populated by rogue Dragoonity.

???: How many?

Channing: At least 400 residents living here sir. They outnumber us 4:1 but we have the element of surprise and seasoned warriors on our side. Your order, sir?

???: ...Annihilate all of this traitors. Father will be pleased to have a new base.

Channing: (Grins) You heard the general! Kill all of the traitors to the Dragoonity throne!

(There is a battle cry as many of the Dragoonity run past the screen towards the city. The screen then begins to move towards the general, starting from his feet, working its way up to his sleek black pants that are scaled. His belt that is spiked with horns on each end; he wore an elaborate Dragoonity armor and held the Dragon’s Bane at hand. Explosions could now be heard as the screen finally settled on his face. His blonde hair flowing along the wind, his dragon wings full outstretched and the cold stare of his now immensely developed red dragon eyes stared on. Dominic was found.)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2013 ⏰

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