Chapter 13

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Katelyn: (Disbelief) N-no way, the alternate personality of Amar’e that has a bloodlust?

Destiny: Axel? I’ve never heard of you from him.

Axel: (Leans closer) That’s because he wanted to keep you all for himself baby.

Destiny: (Face still red as she takes a step back) Keep our distance. I can’t trust you.

Axel: (Chuckles) Fair enough. Truth be told you’re the reason I’m out here, then you mix in the fact that all hell was bout to break lose and I wasn’t going to miss the bloody party.

Anthony: (His blue aura still raging around him from Luke striking Matthew) So you think you are going to run wild here? I’ll just beat your ass too!

Luke: You make it sound as if you already beaten me Anthony. I’m still waiting for you to stop me from going.

Anthony: All right let’s end this right now!

Katelyn: You guys stop fighting! Things are bad enough as is!

Layla: I swear I’ll beat the crap out of all of you if a single fist is thrown!

Axel: You all are a feisty bunch you know, (turns towards Masters) no wonder this whole little project of yours is about to blow up in your face. You got the lone pussycat wanting to leave. Then the wannabe ex cop is trying to stop him, along with the super reptilian bros out for each others blood now. Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dum want in on the action but both Tweedle-Dads don’t approve. There’s the frightened mute in the background losing her cool, this bimbo lusting over the green haired saint who is trapped in my head for the time being and that sorry sac of bones who was just struck down accordingly by Mr. Pussycat. Then you love, you just stand there tempting your beauty.

(That got under all their skins, except for Destiny who continued to blush with her sword drawn to him.)

Anthony: (Vein appears) …I want to beat the crap out of him first.

Luke: Be my guess.

Axel: Heh, I’m sorry. Did that rustle your jimmies? Well if it’s a fight you want, (extends both arms outwards) come at me.

(Before anyone else could make a move, they heard a hoarse “No”. Immediately they turned towards the source. Matthew. He was standing, his knees pointed towards one another, his arms hanging and a stream of blood running along the side of his head where Luke struck him.)

Matthew: I won’t… I won’t let my friends fight. I won’t let you leave. I’ll prove everyone right that I’m a weakling if I do… (Looks up, a fire was lit in his eyes) So I’ll break every bone in each of your bodies and drag you back to the dojo if I have to! (The same yellow mana explosion that happened before was happening now as Matthew’s easily shrouded out Anthony’s.)

(Then Matthew charged head first, a blur against the light of the fading moon. First to Luke, his jaw sent upwards, lifting his feet off the ground, blood flying out his mouth. Then he turned, next to Dom, a knee to the stomach caught Dominic completely off guard and he fell to his knees coughing up blood as well. Matthew’s motion was so incredibly quick that no one could see his moves, not even Eric who watched his brother fall before him. The Masters of course could and they watched with awe at Matthew’s swift motions. He turned again facing his next target, blitzing forward as fast as he possibly could but he was met with a grin. There was a loud shockwave when Matthew made contact with Axel that sent ripples through the sand. All eyes were wide open but not from Matthew’s incredible speed, no.)

(Panel: Matthew’s fist extended for Axel’s face but is a few centimeters too short as his face is planted the bottom of Axel’s sneaker. Axel is standing on one leg, the leg he used to stop Matthew’s attack bent a little. His face is drawn very seriously as he has a snide grin.)

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