Chapter 7.

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Chelsea's P.O.V.: WOOHOO TODAYS THE DAY! I BETTER START PACKING SOME EXTRA CLOTHES UP! I FEEL LIKE I'M ALWAYS YELLING WHEN IM SUPER EXCITED. AH. SO MUCH FUN TODAY. I calm down for a second. I wonder who's party it is.. As i'm packing I feel something missing.. Let's see... got an extra pair of underwear. A bra. Tank top. Shirt. Shorts. Pants. Dress. Extra shoes. Makeup. Hair brush. BATHING SUIT! I forgot to buy one yesterday. I get a phone call.

"Chelsea I'm missing something!" Laura talks over the phone.

"ME TOO!" 

"YOUR MISSING YOUR BATHING SUIT TO?!" we both say at the same time and giggle. 

"Yup. I forgot to buy one yesterday." we both say again.

We laugh for a bit.

"Wanna go get our bathing suits together?" 

"Yeah lets go! We better hurry. We only got 15 minutes!" 

"I'll pick you up in like 5 minutes." 

"Oh god.." 

I hang up. I drive over to Laura's house in under 6 minutes. Made it in 4 minutes since it's not actually that far from my house. I beep to let her know i'm outside. Then she comes out with a backpack.  Guessing it's her clothes. When she gets in I drive quickly to a beachy kind of store that sells bathing stuff. Laura and I grab a couple of bikini's and don't even try them on. We just look for one that's our size and think would fit us. Laura had trouble looking for one since she doesn't like revealing her body. Here. I hand her one that would be sexy for her. I got a sexy one as well.

She laughs. "Oh my god Chels. do you know how revealing this is?!" 

"So? It's a pool party. You have to reveal some of your body anyways." 

"I brought a baggy shirt to wear over my bathing suit. You?"

"One of my beachy dresses I got from here."

We both laugh. Then we go check our bikini's out. After that we go to a quick gasoline bathroom, the ones that are outside and put our bikini's on. Good thing there were stalls otherwise it'd be really awkward if people walked in. Finally we got in the car and drove off to the party. I wanted to be there on time. During the car ride Laura decided to put her hair up like mine. In a messy bun. Damn we look hot. My bikini was white with black polka dots all over it. And I got Laura a bikini that has white and yellow horizontal stripes on it. We get out the car and bring just our towel with us. When we walked inside there were different groups of people. The populars. The cool kids. The normals. Like us. Mostly people from school. 

"Lets go in the pool Laura!" 

"I'm good here." 

"Nope, you're jumping in with me." 

"Take off that baggy shirt so we can jump in together. PLEASE?!" 

"I took off my dress before I came here and just put my towel around my waist. So pleaseeee. I'm not jumping in without you."

She sighs. "FINE. Just because you're like my new bestfriend." 

She takes off the baggy shirt and holds Chelsea's hand. 

"Countdown to 3."




"3!!!" I countdown.

We finally jump into the pool. 

"See I told you this party was going to be fun!" 

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