Chapter 27.

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Riker's P.O.V.: 

I take a look at my phone for the time. 


It's go time!

 I grab my car keys and get into Six, my awesome blue car. I start the engine and drive off to school. 


I get there and look for a sight of Laura. Man, didn't think it was going to be this hard.. I have to look for a short, ombre haired girl . I mean, FUNSIZED girl. (She hates it when we call her short) I get out the car and look for her. Man.. I just wish I knew what she was wearing. 

I walk around the front and keep looking for her. 

Hmm.. let's play the "Guess what Laura is wearing today" game. Maybe that'll help.

Well to start off with basics, her favorite color IS red. I'm not sure what her secondary one is though. I mean, i've seen her wear blue a lot lately and black. I'd say blue and black. Are her next choices. 

Next thing, the shoes. 

She loves wearing high heels to be tall. Especially next to us Lynch boys and girl. Ratliff isn't that tall but he's still taller than Laura so I guess you can count him in too. 

Now, the hair. 

She's a natural dark-haired brunette but she dyed her hair into a lighter color with ombre at the bottom. She usually wears it curled most of the time. Sometimes she'll wear it natural- speaking of natural, dyed, ombre hair, I found the shawty. 

"Laura!" I yell and wave my arms around for her to notice me.

"Riker? What are you doing here?" She walks up to me.

"I'm feeling the sibling love." I say.

"Sibling love? Wait w-what's going on here?" She asks with a puzzled look. 

"Yeah. You're a sister.. in law to me. ANYWAY not what I came here for, I just came to ask you about Ross' behavior lately. Has he been acting rare? Or.. different?" 

"Well Riker.. now that you ask, he has been acting different. Uh.. I might be the cause of it.. NOW i'm not one hundred percent sure but i'm just saying I might be the cause of his behavior.. ask him." She shrugs.

"That's the problem.. he won't even talk to any of us. But, now that you said you might be the cause of his behavior, why do you think that? Or did anything happen that night of the sleepover?" 

I hear her gulp loudly.

"Uh.. well.." 

"Here, let's go talk this over lunch. I'll pay. In-N-Out sound good?"

She nods. 


"So.. continue." I say as I take a bite out of my burger. 

She takes a sip of her Sprite soda. "Well... we.. kissed."

I choke on my drink. "You did what?!"

'It all comes to a conclusion now. Ross likes Laura, and they kissed. But does she feel the same way?"

"Maybe this wasn't a good idea.." She takes another sip.

"No, it's just that.." I pause. 

"Should I tell her that Ross likes her? I don't know if it's right or wrong but, i'm gonna do it anyway. Sorry bro but it's now or never."

She raises an eyebrow.

"My brother likes you...." I spill so quickly.

Her eyes widen. 


-to be continued....-

sorry for the 4 week late update again. BUT IM ON SPRING BREAK BISHES!

OH . SHIT. Do you think Riker did a good thing or bad thing for Ross? I'm gonna make chapters short. So it's easier to update. VOTE, COMMENT, FOLLOW, whatevs. Hope yah liked! 

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