Chapter 21. Christmas Special!

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Laura's P.O.V.: 

 I finish wrapping my other best friend, Raini's present and put it under the Christmas tree. That leaves Ross for last. I got him some new converse. These are pretty cool because I customized them. They were a bit pricy to have them customized and not to mention shipping cost.. but, in the end it was so worth it! The converse say "Music is poetry with personality.." and the backround are some music notes. I thought it would be the perfect gift for Ross since, well... his converse are worn out and he LOVES converse and to top it all off, it's his very own quote. I hope he likes it.. I spend a bit of time thinking on what to get him. I wrap the box with the customized converse in them and to finish it off I put a gold-ish bow on top. Perfect! I put Ross' present under the tree and stand back to take a better look at the finished result of the tree. Now that it's completed with the gifts and all, I have no idea what to do. I mean, am I really gonna spend this Christmas alone? Vanessa's gone, Raini said she's going to some Christmas party, Calum said he's going to one too and Ross probably is going to be with his family. As i'm about to go to the kitchen and bake cookies I get a text. 

1 new message from Raini.

"I just realized that you're probably gonna be spending Christmas alone, since Vanessa is gone. How would you like to come along to that Christmas party I was telling you about? Calum, Ross and his family are coming. It's right around in the neighborhood! It's that huge mansion that you probably would always see that has the gates in front. Well it's gonna be open to everyone who wants to come. The only thing is you need to bring the invitation along. I don't know why.. safety rules I guess. :P " 

I look up from my phone and go out to the porch looking for some invitation. Found it! I go back inside and text Raini back. 

"I'm going! :D See you tomorrow!" I hit send and the message delivers. 

"Oh wait what time are you going Raini? :O I wanna go the same time you go! I don't wanna look like a loner... although I am one.."  I hit send and wait for a reply.

"Ooh yay! And Around 7 or 8. It starts at 6 and ends at 1. But you can leave early if you chose to! Alright well I gotta go, wrapping a last minute gift. :P Later chica! :D" 

"Oh ok I see. Typical Raini... see ya tomorrow girlie! :)" I send the last text and 2 minutes later get a new one. 

"Oh and watch out for the mistletoe they're hanging! Or you might have to pucker up and kiss someone. ;) *coughrosscough* " 

I gasp at her text and reply quickly. 


"Relax I was only joking.... or was I? c: Ok,ok,i'm sorry, i'll stop. Ttyl!" 

I sigh and shake my head and let out a small laugh. I think to myself, 'Gee, can't a guy and girl just be best friends? Just because they're close, doesn't mean they're that close.' I set my phone down and head to the kitchen and make cookies for myself. I've been craving something sweet lately and well, i'm here. Standing in the kitchen. Making chocolate chip cookies. I set the oven for 150'  and take out a rectangular-shaped pan and spray it with the Pam cooking spray to avoid the cookies getting stuck on the pan. I take out the prepared cookie dough that I got from Costco a week ago and grab a ice-cream scooper and scoop out cookie dough. I mean, it's an easier way to take out the cookie dough instead of grabbing a spoon and waiting for it come off. Genius, right? I finish shaping the cookies and putting them onto the pan. I walk over with the pan and open the oven door. A fresh warm wave hits me. Cookies are ready to be put in the oven! I set the pan down into the oven and close the oven door.

I sit down at the table and wait. Let's see so i'm alone baking a bunch of cookies for just one person.. that's very interesting. Well at least I won't be alone tomorrow! I'll be accompanied by Raini. Now that i'm thinking ABOUT tomorrow, what am I gonna wear? I pick up my phone and call Raini.

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