Be my girl (yugyeom)

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I'm now practice for my debut for our new girl group well it tough tho
I sit near the mirror and try to dance sexy part it was too much sexy you know ---
Sexy black-----
I finally finish my dance wow I'm surely hot lol just kidding haha
I turn around and see !!!
" oppa? Umm how long you've here?! " I ask nervously and embarrass huh..
"Let say I'm here since you started;)" he smirk my face flush red I look down embarrass what I had done ...dammit
"Hey don't hide your pretty face of your it's pretty good what you do ya know ;)" he winked at me making me more frozen I look up and see he stare straight into my eyes ..those eyes are killing me "hmm now we here alone I finally have a chance to do this .." He move closer and closer till our nose touch I close my eyes waiting for what going to happen but nothing have happen I open my eyes and see yugyeom oppa smirk at me then "oppa ..."he kiss me !!!YUGYEOM OPPA KISS ME!!!!!
" so..umm I..I know we barely met each other but would you mind if we-"
"Yes I will be you girlfriend !!!" What have I done oh gosh I'm embarrass myself-_-
" woah...umm I was just gonna ask you if you wanna eat with me but since I know how you feel towards me ...well (y-n) would you be My Girl?!" He ask
" no"
" what?! But you-"
"Coz I'm already am you dump butt !!" I stick my touge out and smile
" you really somthing well saranghea;)"
" love ya~" we hug each other then release and finally go on a mid night date wait yup you read it correct midnight date lol it's interesting isn't it?! Lol I smile to my self " oppa lets go there!!" "Anything to my lovely girl :)" he smile
--------the end------
Thank you lol hope u enjoy

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