Lucky fan (mark)

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Your pov.
" they are soo awesome right min?!!"
I nod at her with a big grin. I wonder what if I meet my bias personally that would be cool ~
"Earth to min hello?!!"
"Huh?" I look up at what I see is my friend trying to scream on my face!!!
" what the hey.. I will be right back okay" she nod without asking any questions -_-

I walk out the crowd finally I can breath properly in there can't breath air properly -_- I walk slowly to the restroom and !!!!
" uh i-I'm so sorry I better get going-!"
I quickly exit the concert. I can't believe my eyes .... They were were k-kissing! I cry quietly down the road I walk on my bare feet coz I lost them yes when I run away sniff you! Bad bad mark I never should choose you as my agh!! I scream down the river near by " I HATE YOU MARK !! I never EVER GOING TO FALL FOR YOU AGAIN!!!!" Well yes I'm only a fan but I have heart too duh -_- I think I'm crazy ... " can you really do that?"
Huh?! I look up with my blurry eye ... I see a fimilar figure ^_- it can't be!!
I squeeze my eyes till it dry and wah my mouth hung open --://///// it's really h-him I'm about to run away but he grab my wrist and turn into a hug !!! MARK HUG ME!!! " don't go.." "I-I won't just let go.." He look at me with sad eye I can't really understand him but deep inside me I feel like I've done this before but I don't really remember umm ahha in my dreams lol-_-
"Um sorry for that just look like someone I know..:(" I look at him in the eyes we both exchange stares suddenly I remember something I look at him about to turn around but I stop him " what ?!!" I kiss him --!!! I really did my body froze and shock he just stood still enjoying the kiss I then pull off and I took off my ring which I don't even know when I bought it well my mom says it's really important one day I will fill like landing it to someone ..I give it to him and he look at me with shock face " h-How where do you get this?!!" He ask with shaky voice like he's gonna cry
"Well I don't know my self u know that it's really means everything to me and-"
He pull me into a hug!! I hug back feeling my eyes start crying and not only me but mark too!
"I miss you babe please don't leave me again .." He hug me tightly "hmm mark oppa I can't breath" he slowly let go I wipe all his tears with my finger and smile at him sweetly he smile wide "I will never leave you again I'm so sorry for not remember you and -" "I understand min I will make you notice me one day:)" I smile and kiss each other again ..
Oh I'm such a lucky fan right lol ;)
---------- then end-------
Thank you for reading hope you like it comments for request in the comments

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