Cute teacher ;) (Jb)

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Jb pov.
"Jaebum wake up your gonna be late!!" Does she need to do that every morning!! " arraso!!" I shout as my mom walk away .. I sigh and do my routine
Time skip-----------

I walk out finally I teach hell huh .. School obcorse -_-
By the time I put my things in my locker and quickly run in my class . Hm I heard everyone gossip about our new home room teacher ... Well I don't care " hey .. Buddy do you hear there will be a girl teacher!!" Jr shout in excitement -_-"
I nod as he describe her features I just sigh ring~~~ finally !!

"Ahem! Attention student ! There will be your new home room teacher I hope you treat her well ... You may come in now.." Mr Kim ask her to

She walks in quietly when she is in front of our room my eyes met hers ..... Omo those eyes were just so pretty .... I kept on staring at her.... Her lips... Her hair..

Your pov.
Hi there I'm yn I'm new yep I'm real excited right now by the time mr Kim calls me I walk in and wow all the students are very very big ya know tall and look older than yea whatever -_-
"Take care .." Then mr Kim walks out I sigh and look back .... Omo they are stare creeps -_- " umm hi student my name is yn well I hope we go together well" :) I smile and bow
Suddenly they start asking me !  " um miss yn how old are you? You look so young:)!?" I chuckle " well I'm only 20 " I smile " Omo!!! She almost our age wah so young and pretty!!" They all comment on me well yes i know I am heh ;)

" now class lets start our lesson shall we?" I smile they nod and open their book:)
Time skip----------

Jb pov.

You know what ?! I don't understand a single thing she teaching me coz ... You know I only focus on her face her cute face and lucky she is very close to my age too ;) I smile like an idiot till " Jb come to my office after class!" She yell at me aww even she is angry still looks adorable :)
After class ------------

I walk I mean follow her to the office "you my sit" she said" alright " she looks at me and look away "I umm .. You weren't paying attention to class earlier .. " she blush " it's your fault " I smirk " huh?" She look confused I chuckle " you are attaching my attention ... Your fault!" I keep teasing her she make a cute face " yah! Aish you kid!" I think she is angry now " I see ..." She blush lol cute " you know teacher if you want to really teach me how about being my personal teacher?" I smile cutely :) she shock with my words at first but then smirk " I see well alright if you say so ;)" I smile and accidently hug her !!!! But she doesn't push me away hmmm interesting " I.. I like you.." I say it into a hug she sudden
Push me away " can't!" What? " you can't  date a teacher like me ..." She look down I reach for her hand " listen yn I really like you I really do hey ... I know we can't but you know what ? Don't forget I almost graduate now!" She look up smile weakly " pls trust me I'm big enough to take care and-" " yes.." "Huh?" " I said yes I will date you baby jeabum:)" I can't hold up my body I reach for her and hug her tight " komawo!" She giggle " yah!! Watch you action we are in school you dummy!" She push me lightly I smile " well better go out then I want to date you badly ;)" she blush I laugh and kiss her cheeks " yah Im jeabum you not getting away with this!!" She run after me down the school hall trying to catch me lol she is so cute ;)!!!!!
I hope you like it pls vote and continue read my fanfic once again thank you ^^

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