Lost princess (Jb)

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Jb pov.
  Finally we land in Incheon airport. Got7 and I were just finish touring in Japan. Wah so tired! We walk out the security gate and got greet by our fans wow they are igot7 which is our precious fans I love them so much they are our got7 everything thanks to them we can get this far I smile sweetly at the fans camera as they scream to death yup they can sometimes can be crazy you know fans sickness (sorry igot7)

We reach our van finally !!
" umm.. HYUNG I err forget my phone probably on the gate hehe?!!" " what?! Really Jackson!! Stay here I be back" I scrolled them. I rush in a hurry by not realizing the girl BANG////
"Outch!! Get off me!" I yelled " ahh sorry sir so so sorry!" She quickly bow and run off aish this girl then outch!!! What now??
I look at the thing I step on " What no way?!!" It's a crown what really I can't believe my eyes it have gems and Krystal all over the golden crown. I put it on my bag and reach the phone Jackson phone and run off to the car." HYUNG what takes you so long?!" Jr complains I just glare at him " guys... I think I .. Found her.."! They look confuse but then suddenly remember what I have said " really the princess where where???!!" Bambam ask loudly " chill she's gone but I have this" I take out the crown as all the member eyes are sparkle " WHAT THE HELL IS IT REAL I WANNA TOUCH IT!?" Yugyeom yell as I lend it to him " careful ara?" " de!!"

BANG BANG BANG-////// someone hits the car I turn around and what ?? I quickly open the door letting her enter the van " guys what going on?" Mark ask
" please save me help me pls.." She beg
" who are you? You not the crazy fans right?" Jr ask " NO I'm not I'll swear!!" " ok ok what's going on?" I ask " Jb help me pls .. I need you.." She starts to cry
"Do I know you?" " Jb I know you hate me but pls I don't want to live like this anymore pls help me escape I want to have a normal life and pls I'm sorry about your parents!!" She starts crying I turn away " pls pls don't hate me I.. I'm so sorry Jb ssi - ///

I suddenly hug her in my arms can't really I can't see her cry like this it's make my heart hurts. I pat her head softly " mianh Jb opps I .. Miss you so much pls do t gate me.." I cry in my chest " I can't hate you yn even I try to " I look at her sad eyes she smile weakly " oppa saranghea"
She says " nado.. Pls don't hurt me anymore" I smile warmly " promise in the case of loyal highness !!" She laugh I google at her cute ness " woah stop it you making us cry , thus is not dram knight?!! Pls !!" Mark wipe bambam tears away and we just laugh at how our member can be funny " I'm yn the princess by the way and pls call me yn I love it that way;)" "Arasso;)" she smile wildly " we will try our best noona!!" Yugyeom slightly blush " yah no blushing with my girl hajima!!" I yell " chill man she all your alright " Jackson scoff and everyone laugh ... I bet and hope she will stay in my arms forever even tho I know someday they will take her back... I will never let that happen ... I promise/////
------------  I hope you guys likes it thank you for reading. Live you guys ^^

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