Lockness forest pt.2

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Jackson pov.

" I miss you I thought I'm here alone!" I whine "me too!" He tag me and smile brightly. "Um hey sorry to disturb but who are you?" We both turn around.

Opps I forget about the Girl . "Y.n help me the blond hair guy trying to rape the house!!" "What?!" I look at mark with shock eyes . He give me what the fuck face lol. "I did not !!" Mark shout at the girl which I don't know who is she?

" guys pls stop lets sit inside and discuss its getting late.." Y.n call us inside the small cottage. We sit in a circle on the mat which made out of soft cotton wow these are beautiful..while I'm admiring.
"Now tell me about your self"she ask "well we're got7 hottest singing group on Seoul. " ah to be honest ..I don't know that sorry but you seems lost right... Just like me ..before " "hey don't be sad I told ya that we will help you find your parents. She smile at me weakly ..

" I'm mark ." The other girl make a annoying face " I didn't want to know sorry!" Wow she is something.
"Hey Yumi don't be like that arraso?" She roll her eyes " fine!" " i have no idea why mark here? " "well"....


Mark pov.

Aw ! My head hurts . I slowly grab the brach of the tress slightly lifting my body up . Where's others?!

I call out their name and try phoning but fuck my phone broke ! Can it be even worst

I slowly walk myself along the way with flower cover decorated perfectly. Till I reach I small cottage I don't wait long I fast walk inside the house . By the way I open the door by the sound of humming a sweet music . I follow the sound around till I reach it I open I door and scream!!!!!!

It's a g..girl that um perhaps na..naked fuck mark !!
Suddenly she throw stuff at me aw it hurt " get out your pervert!!!!"
I run out like no tomorrow... Fuck I swear

My heart beats fast as fuck I

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My heart beats fast as fuck I .. Um she is um hot ! Wait what ? I run out without realizing there person here badly I bump into it admit it . It just to fuck up but when I realized it was ...my bestie Jackson!!! Omg!! We shock and happy hug each other
End ---------
" well I will try to help you guys outta here alright?" The nice girl says I nod and look at Yumi wah she pouting so adorable but with her attitude like that well hopefully no!

" yah - just send them back to the exit path I seen it when I was hunting!!" Yumi says wow she a cool girl isn't it? I like that ;) I wink at her she shock and just roll her eyes! "Cute" I look at her she just slightly blush but quickly turned away " now let's go !!" We walk out safely
Skip time ----------

"I will miss you guys.." Yumi says " nado" we all said good news all the way we found our members gladly they not hurt.
" so it a good bye?!" Yumi friend said " ani pls come with us I'm sure you will love it there.. Pls?" They look at each other and suddenly hug us and cry whoa I'm completely confused " thank guys I thought you never ask !!" She smile with wetty eyes " sure we were discussed it all along if it not for you girls we will never be back out here so I guess we'll return you two s big gift would you girls accept it?" Jb spoke with a smile " YES WE WILL OMG FINALLY WE HAVE A NORMAL LIFE!!!"they scream and hug each other aw cutie Yumi ...

3years later------

Jackson pov.
"Oppa look here!" Shoot she took the picture I smile and pose happily well guys after we got back from the incident they live with us and good news happens (y-n) parents are jyp daughter God bless they so crazy crying the ass out of happiness well everyone are happy jyp finally found his lost daughter.... Speak of the god well I confess to her and guess what she accepted me I was freaking happy . She got a job by being the producer and a composer she very creative . I lay on the bench with you (you the reader) my life completely perfect with that our fans also accepted our relationship I was freaking amaze with it now my life is complete. Now she is sleeping in my arms after photo shoot with her lol I hug her and kiss her forehead gently and drift off to sleep ;).

Mark pov.
" hey are you coming dummy;) I can't wait c'mon baby;)" Yumi call me that yes she is now my girl lol . "Coming:)"I smile and hug her gently kiss her cheeks she kiss me back too.We are on the couch watching movie with her in arm she was focused on the movie while I'm thinking about the past . Well I confess to her when we get back first she won't accept my feelings because she said that she is a burden and orphans and blah full of shit I said I don't care and give a fuck about it I love her all my heart then I cry out . She walk away.... My body fell down on my knees I cover my crying face . Few minutes I feel a small arms hug me from behind "I just can't stop my feelings for you I'm so Pabo!" I turn around and hid her head on my chest I cry again in joy " I love you Yumi I hope you not leave me//" she push me I'm shock and- kiss ///// she lean in and kiss me gently ... I wrap my arms around her . She pull off " I will ...not!" She smirk I smile and kiss her again ;)

When are together for a while we find out her real parent are the biggest and so rich people in a big company !! She saw them a ya know what gonna happen right yea , so yea my fan firstly don't accept us but ,finally they do because Yumi explain and cry in front of the fans area wow she just something I really appreciate lol so yes the fans loves Yumi and become close friends I happy with her her parents also sets her work to do her own company also study in the popular university. Her life completed so do I. "So lucky to be with you Yumi ..sarang!!" She look away and turn back to me " hello angel~~~~~~^^" we laugh and continue watching our movie ... My life now is so like heaven thank to god that's lend me my angel hehe lol . We cuddle sweetly yes these past few years she learn how to be sweet and loving heh by me obviously lol ;)

 We cuddle sweetly yes these past few years she learn how to be sweet and loving heh by me obviously lol ;)

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The end -----------------------------------------
It ^^

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