Forget me.. Not(Mark)

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Your pov.

I was about to land ... Yes in Korea aigoo I'm so exited after all I've been in many countries.

Really guys likes me because of my looks more than my personality -_- that what they told me huh those fools likes to fool around that's bring me a handsome boyfriend that I never forget about .... Even I want to I just can't ... He is my taker ... He takes everything from me .. My first kiss , hugs, heart, tears , food , happiness , sadness , and my first time..

He was the taker ... " the flight will be landing Whitin a minute". The pilot says . One day ... I hope I can be the taker too you know I'm just the girl that boys take away from .. Don't understand me right huh I sigh and unlock my seatbelt and walk out ...

Now .. What where to go hmm which way??? Oh no I'm fuck up I just remember that I can't really read Korean wish life is hard you know ..for me -_-"

I walk pass the toilet , coffee shop , counter agh ?!!! I don't know where to go I'm all alone by the way . No friends are here . My bad. I look around whoa it's pretty late now fuck !! What should I do
I guess I will be stuck here forever =.=

" OPPA!!!!!!!" What the hell ?? Why are they screaming? Are their thief ?!! Or robber?!! Omg what should I do I start to panic and run off like a lost chicken!!
But then ....

" Ouch! Yah!! What where you going!"
A husky voice shout at me I shoot a glare to him but before it reaches him !!!!! What the ??!!!!! My eyes are shooting shocking right now "!!" We both ask .. I don't know what I'm feeling right now umm should I be happy or sad -_- I confuse alright

" fuck! You follow me all the way here?!!" He ask angrily . What the hell my ears are getting red " what the hell Mark!! I won't be following your shit all the way here !! And for your information I'm here for my job sorry?!" I look at him disgust huh how's that?!! Lol

His face right now is you know mad haha I get you there !! When im about to walk away .. He pulled me and dragging me in the restroom really Mark in here?!

" Look tuan I will have this straight! I don't want to see you or what or even look at you coz its reminds me of how pitty things you have done to me and i regret it?!!!!" I push him away but once again he grab my wrist hard aw that's hurt !!! " listen brat! I hope we won't be meeting again coz I hate see sluts around !" Tsk " like I give a shit?!!" I'm still in it .. Then I finally cant feel my wrist anymore I can't move .. Aww suddenly my eyes got teary :( I try to speak but it won't come out " m..Mark ... It's.. Hurts" I look at him Shockly his face finally turns into warm and gentle he slowly let go of me and hold it gently .. I'm confuse at his action so body tell me pls ???

" you such a trouble maker.. I don't like you like this !" After he finish his sentence he reach his pocket and call idk who tho
" Hyungs don't wait for me, I be little late , yea I know , okay, yea bye" he then put the phone back in his pocket " don't look at me like that " he said coldly " umm you .. You have this on uh .." I reach my hurting wrist to take the feathers off his hair I lean closer till I feel his breathing then I realize I'm so close to his face our eyes met like a spell it locked no blinking nothing just stare .. Then I decide to breaks the silence " umm sorry I I should go.. By the way I umm .. Huh .. Nice seeing you ..again mar..Mark :)" I smile weakly i was dragging my suitcase away slowly but I can't my wrist are so bad hmm I feel it's stinging! "Stupid fool"

He said coldly and suddenly Carey me and get my suitcase in the same time wow what a guy I smile but remember what he did to me makes my smile fade .. It just can't easy heal you know ..

" here get in " he push me in the car wow that's fast I close the door and smell his scent in the car .. The scent I use to smell ... Idk why but I feel like crying right now ... I'm hurting badly inside my heart is in lots of pain .. You could never imagine...

Mark pov.

I can't believe I see her ..Again she is .. My everything I have trust but you know she cheat on me ... And that make me hate her so much ..

But when I look deeply in her eyes .. I feel my heart start beating uncontrolled I can't say that I still like her all the time she done that to me it just idk why she acting innocent like she's done nothing wrong !! Such a slut !

" yn! " I see her crying my heart ache when I see that no not again Heart what wrong with you again?
" y..yea" she shutter idk why I suddenly pull her into a hug I can't stop my self gladly she hugs me back don't know but I'm happy that we close .. " shhh don't cry you ruin my lucky shirt!" No respond then she slowly pull out and look at me with red eyes um now I feel bad treating her like this ...

" s..sorry Mark ... Sorry for everything.."she sob I harshly pull her in the arms again but now I crying too " yn you know why I hate you so much? ... Because every time I try to hate you it's hurt me so bad I want to just ruin your life but ... I can't you .. You are something to me even tho you cheated on me .." I suddenly look up " WHO SAYS THAT I NEVER CHEAT ON YOU I WILL NEVER DI SUCH THINGS TO YOU ...why you not trust me.." I'm confuse but something inside me tells me she is saying the truth .. I can't deny it it's true coz if she lies I can easily see that.. I wipe her cheeks on hold her face with my two hands she cry more I lean in and kiss her ... I can't deny it I'm so sorry for trust my ex that she was cheating on me I'm such an ass I realize that brick the kiss we look at each other " I miss you Mark I hope we could start over I wish .." " shh baby there's no starting over ... Because I never be able to get over you ever since I move away pass fews years until now, I can't deny that I'm still missing you .. I'm sorry for being an ass and-" " hey hey.. Look at me Mark .. It's not your fault .. Nothing is more important than you right here with me again.." She hold my hand smiling " you know what? You still beautiful ever since I saw you in school ;)" I wink she chuckle Omo her laugh was pretty why can I left this angel huh I'm such a fool " babe I love you very much I miss your kisses your hugs your touch your everything you took from me!!" She suddenly hug me smiling giggling like a child I smile brightly and kiss her forehead and promise myself to trust her not someone else who is not important anymore .. "I will take good care of you yn I try my best . I love you more than you ever imagine this boy could love any girl in this life , (kiss her once again) well I .. We um you know could be living together and yea ;)  ...but for now let reminds our good times that we had before shall we!!;)" I smirk deductively her face flush red aww cute I hold her hand and start the engines and drove off to my personal hotel ... Yep this is gonna be a long night ;)
Thanks for your support love you all ^^

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