Lockness forest (jackson)

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Jackson pov.
"HYUNG!!!! Where are you ?!!! " I scream my ass out!! Im trap in the forest I don't know what forest I only remembered

" guys we nearly there lol " jb shout we all cheer in happiness Omo finally we can be in vacation:)
When I was shutting my eyes ?!!!!!
"Argggggggg!!!!!" My body fell off the van and bang! Hit something real hard I can't resist the pain eyes eyes slowly shut down....
-----end ------
" what the hell?!" I run around the woods to find got7 but .... No one is around here my body hurts from the incident ... I don't even know what where we are? " how can I survive I don't understand why this happens to me?" I said while hugging my knees under the tall tree ... My eyes shut again ....

"Um excuse me sir you sitting on my roof pls get off!" Huh I open my eyes can't believe my ears who said that? I look around " yah I'm here you dummy!" I look down !!!!!!

My eyes widen !! Why creature is she? Why she dress up like that and oh she half naked I look away blushing omg is she even real?

"Can't you here me arg!! Get down here!" I quickly get off " uh ..you ..um.. You ..here?!" I take out my coat and cover it you know her breast !!!
" hey why and what ..oh this is for um what exactly?" She ask shyly I chuckle " you know in my town girls usually where lots of clothes " I smile " oh really uhh thanks :)" she smile wow I never see girls like this before!

" by the way who are you ?" I ask
"Oh I'm a ... I'm lost ..I don't have family.." She smile weakly "don't worry I will help you find them!" She look up smile brightly "jinja?!!!" " de!!" "Yay!!" She jump up and down like a kind got a new teddy bear aww so cute by the way how can I help her hmmm:(

"So what's your name?" I ask her" i don't know either but I have a necklace that says (y-n) " she smile " ahh I think I heard that before hmmm can't really remember" she giggle and ask "you?" "I'm wang Jackson wang!" I smile she nod and lead me to her house wow it's so pretty ... A little cottage full with flower and plants wow very beautiful " you like it sorry if it's not your type if you-" " I love it" she blush . I take her hand and push the gate open ... Suddenly I hear?!!!

Bang " arrrrrrr you idiot human you so pervert get out!!!!!"

"What that?" I ask " oh no !!!" She run in the house. I walk in slowly getting closer till someone really fimilar till I realized when we bump each other !!!!!!!

"Outch !! " we both get off and our eyes met what?!!..... M..mark HYUNG!!!!!!!
He sees me and we both hug and jump in joy !!!!" I think I lost you omg I miss you!!!!!!!" We scream till we realize someone staring at us opps!....
------to be continued-------
Hope you guys like it ;)

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