Water park(bambam)

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Your pov.
" bestie come here lets go change into our sexiest bikini ;)" she laughed I giggle and nod while walking to the women toilet

Yes as you know im just want a big revenge of boys who like to call me shit stuff like 'your ugly I don't like you , Fat black bitch?!' Those memories I never forget especially him...

" hey stop dreaming girl ,we got boys to fetch! XD " she stomp near me " uh right" " hey it's going to alright soon everyone will regret for being such a bitch to you " I nod and hug her she's the best :) " thanks you always makes me feel better bestie;)" " well I should be haha" she wink and check her self in the mirror I giggle of how she been saying Hana well now I ready I put makeup on and put my hair high pony tail and sunglasses on " Omo... You look amazing girl!;)" she said and try to fix my hair " you too your so pretty with black bikini "
" IM SO SEXY...!!" Lol I laugh at her singing jyp song lol " what have gone into you Bella haha!" " shut up and let's go----!!!" I chuckle:)

Are we here wow it's so....big
" hey look at that group of boys lets go and do the plan!!" " sure ;)" we plan to get many boys as we can I dump them lol  I'm not mean but ya know revenge...

As we pass them like not knowing them I silently took a glacé of them wow their hot but sorry boys your just ... Haha I laugh evilly;) I make a wink at them their mouth are hung out lol it's just fun to do this :)

" um excuse me miss?" I'm about to turn a round but I trip my heels and bang-
I close my eyes shut <_>

Bambam pov.

We are at the waterpark for photo shoots but someone catch my eyes Omo she's so dam hot her skin her hair it's just perfect her body wow I stare at her with her friend . Um not only I'm starring but also mark HYUNG is looking at them too wow I never see him like this before maybe they ...some kind of special:)

" hey bambam I know you like don't you?" He ask with a smirk " you not bad your self " I wink we both nod and decide to company them we walk to them and I feel so dam nervous I never felt like this before then I finally say
" um excuse me miss?" She's about to turn around but then scream ///
We are on top of each other on the floor <_> my face is exposed do you realize that she's like almost naked remember bikini ..!!! Her body is against mine her soft body.....she then slowly open her eyes !!! We stare each other like no one will stop us

She slowly smile at me and lean to me wait what?!! "Your cute when you blush what can I do to you that can make you even redder ;)" by that my face sweat I'm shock with her words wow
"Well I'm sorry for that ;)" she wink and finally get off me//// " it...it's fine.." I look away "hey.. I'm so sorry what had happen it's just you know accident:)" she smile sweetly aw I feel my hear beat fast

" would you mind walking with me..?" I ask she nod and smile I love her sweet smile I clings her arm around me I flush red ..... As we are walking to my booth of photo shoot " so um..what your name ?"
"I'm bambam you?"
" oh I'm (y-n) :)" I nod "pretty name ;)" she blush aww how cute " nice to meet you tho lol !!"  I flush a bright smile
When we arrive i the staff call me ,I have to go :( " you can go i will get going to you know " she said " I um ...you ..ah I just wanna ..ask you can we meet each other again ..?" She lean in and kiss me !!!  " bye future boyfriend;)"  she wink and about to walk away left me shock experience-_- " Is that's a yes ??!" I call her out she turn to me and shout " well if that isn't clear enough I can show you more than that ;)" aww I face it's burning!!! What a player ...but she perfect " yah! " she look at me confused " you can show me tomorrow at 5 hotel 657xxxx Seoul tower ;)" she blush hard " yah !! " I cover her face aww how cute " I call ya later pretty girl bye chup " I blow kiss at her she just stand there embarrassed lol I think she is very very..... Interesting:) I smile to my self and continue my photo shoot umm by the way where is mark HYUNG-_- when I realized I think I know where exactly he was lol this guy surely up to something trust me ;) " bambam it's your turn get your ass here !!" Opps jr omma is yelling again lol ;)
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Thank you ;) hope you like it

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