Sweet honey (youngjea)

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Your pov.
" Hey! Give it back!!" I yell at my bestie youngjea while he is running around with my jar of honey which I love the most:(

" come and get it hahaha lol!!" He stop his track and look at evilly. I smirk and act like nothing bothers me... Lol this gonna be fun;).

He look confused right he must be lol!! I walk pass him and start playing with my phone ignoring his site. He look worried like what if I'm mad? Hehe he must be lol I try to be calm and cold . But then I feel his hand touches my arm. " sorry ... If you want it back here ...please don't get mad" he smile weakly .

" Look at your face lol!!!!" I can't hold my laugh anymore !!!" His ear get redder um maybe his mad at me now?! " ..... Here" he place the jar and walk away :( opps what have I done .i was just joking... Maybe to hard ..I'm guilty now..

" Youngjea wait up!" I run after him. Still no respond. He kept walking.. " please ..I'm ..I'm was just kidding you know .. I was um maybe it ...um -" " what ever" he cut me off .he didn't even look at me ..

" Hey stop being as ass I apologize already !" My anger fills up " hm.." That's it. I can't take any longer I just have to tell him ( today was the day I decide to confess him) -_- it ruin .. " look .." I grab his arm and pull him into a kiss yep a kiss !!! He didn't respond.my heart feel like its shattered in pieces.." Hmm" he smile I push lightly he blush and grab my hand and pull me into a hug " I'm sorry for getting mad at you jagiya... I accept your feelings..will you um. Be my jagiya?" I blush and hug him tighter .i nod and smile on his chest " hmmm my sweet honey is now you ;)" I smile as he chuckle along
Thank you readers hope you like it votes and continue reading this fanfic arraso? ;)

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