Protects You (Jr

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Today was my holiday I mean me and got 7 holiday along with our girls . They probably playing a side the pool.

I was preparing for the barbecue in the kitchen ,while y-n was with her friends and got 7 . I chop the carrot and ~~~ "NO PLEASE I CANT SWIM! !!"What the hell I heard y-n scream .no they cant possibly throw her in the pool right? Fxxx I quickly run out the house straight to the pool!!! "Im coming y-n wait for oppa! " I run as fast as I could by the time I reach it I see y-n pant and scream for help while got 7 laugh at her probably think it was her joke for fuck sake is not!! I jump in with a big splash I dive in to grab her waist and pull her up quickly as I was carrying her out of the pool she cried in my chest "oppa... cough cough I cough cant barely breathe

"I pat her back softly. I turn my head to the member and shoot a death glare.they seem to know what it means. They quickly run to y-n and apologies "NEXT TIME I HOPE THERE NO MORE OF THIS SHOT AGAIN! "I yelled they all nod and comfort y-n while y-n still in my arm she can finally breathe normally"thank you oppa. ..Thank you for entering my life and be my guardian that always save and protect me"she weakly smile as I move closer and kiss her fore head "because your my princess. ...yn "I hug her as she cry on my shirt "sorry oppa if im a burden to you sometime"she said and look straight in to my eyes"never say that again arasso other wise you will get punish for being a bad princess "she giggle "De arasso! Im so in love with you jin young "I smile "nado" i kiss her lips.
Thank you for your readings I'm so impress thank you once again :)

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