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Bambam pov.

" Bella waky waky~ it's time for school c'mon" I slowly shake her. And it work yay a she slowly open her eyes " appa do you have to be this early" she yawn I nod and smile. She then jump down the bed and head down the bathroom I smile to my self that finally I can make her happy ... Again " i wish you be happy yn ah I will do what I promise ... I miss you" I whisper as I look at the picture we take years ago ... I miss you so much. Slowly my eyes got teary I silently cry.

"Appa... Pls don't cry .. If omma's here she will not be happy arraso?.." Bella back hug me we both cry in our hugs"ara.. Appa just miss omma too"
" omma tell me to be by appa side whenever he's sad, now your sad I'm here Bella's here... " aww my daughter is so sweet... Just ... Just like her mother.. I cry and hug Bella she wipe all my tears with her small fingers she only 5 years old she can be mature too, sometimes " I think omma will be unhappy right now see us crying .." She sit on my laps " ne.. It's alright right? We will be happy so she can be happy .." I force a smile she chuckle " appa you know it's ugly when you smile like that!" Huh that's exactly what yn said to me before ... She's  .. Gone.. " yah! Now let's get ready to school little monster I wait in the car Arasso?;)" she nod and smile brightly I chuckle and went in the car.

I'm in the car thinking missing yn I remember all our memories together ... Every moment .. Espeacaily when..

Flash back--------
" arg !!!!!!! Bambam!!! Help me!!!" I heard yn scream I rush upstairs I help her" I'm coming!!" I shout I help her till we reach the car " oppa ... It hurts ... " I say it harshly " I know .. Hold it okay we almost there..!" I panic "
" oppa ... Promise me you will take good care of Bella for me whatever happens don't leave her.. Please " I'm confuse but still nod with tears " what...what do you mean by that..yn?" I ask shaky voice she smile " if..if I can't make it.." I'm shock and reach for her hand and cry even louder " No don't you ever say that yn!" I yell she smile and hold her belly " promise me oppa" " I promise.." I force a smile.." Don't you know you ugly when you smile like that " she giggle.. " please stay with me we here" the nurse quickly take her to the emergency room " ah give me a minute! Nurse?  .. Oppa I love you and I will be in your heart forever ara? Bella will be our both biggest treasure I hope you love her as I am ..." She give one big hug and last kiss I hug her tight " yn we may go now " the nurse push the bed and bring her in there.

My heart start beating fast . I smell something bad gonna happen idk I just feels it an hour pass by

I heard a baby crying my tears fully came out!! I'm happy with my life " sorry we have good news and bad news" the doctor said it with sag eyes " de what is it?" I heart now running faster " umm we got your baby safely but... Your wife... She .. Can't make it I'm so sorry for you .." Bang!

I'm on my knees kneading down the floor with my heart breaks in pieces ... Why why??? Yn why?!!  I cry harder and harder I can't believe she didn't tell me she has a problem with her blood and The baby ... I I don't know what to do without you yn ...

I run in the room where she is .. Her pale skin ... Her dry lips " yn .. I love you all my heart even tho your gone ... I will protect Bella with all my heart and ... " I give her one last kiss . I hold her hand and smell her scent last time before she's gone " oppa .. I will never forget you I will be here .. Will protect you and will be watching you in heaven arraso lastly I love you.. Oppa I always do " I look up I see a shiny figures what? Her soul her ?!! It's really her she give me one last kiss and vanish left only her ring and picture .. I will never forget you too yn...

Then the nurse come in with a cute little baby Bella :) I'm holding her in my arms she such an angel she looks just like yn.. She got beautiful eyes lip and nose just like yn ... I love you both very much I promise I will protect you Bella ..
Hope you guys enjoys it ;)

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