Lucky hook ( mark)

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Bella pov.
Wahh I see my bestie finally got something to do well I trust her that she will be find trust me I know her well lol

I walk away not many steps away I feel like someone pull me hardly I shut my eyes and let my body fall but!!! I didn't feel any pain I look up !!

" um what do you think you're doing can't you see-!" He push his face against mine and crash his lip on mine .... I push lightly but useless -_-

He finally broke the kiss phew -_-!!!
"What's that face of your ? Don't you enjoy it?!" He wink I just shrug and smirk " to be honest .. That kiss was nothing alright not even close to the enjoy ..-_-"
He glare at me then smile evilly " you know your one lucky fan I kiss you I'm got7 mark ;)" I wink " I dont give a shit of got 6 got7 coz I don't like you dummy face !!" I swear I will be kill at the end trust me I'm dead x-x

" wow-?!! Interesting:)" he smile I just look at him confused " ya know I think I'm liking you ;)" "tsk whatever mark is it done coz I'm wasting my time-_-?" He shook his head and smile evilly and drag me with him " yah hey!! Let go of me you little stupid mark !!!" I'm trying to stop him dragging me "shhh your a little too noisy" he said without looking at me " hey please I'm hurt ..." He then stop walking and face me " um I'm sorry an-"
!!!! Scream I push him away and kick his ball yay !! " what the hell!!" "Suits you best dickhead !!" I make a funny face and quickly run away laughing all the way of happiness aww I'm such a good girl ;)

Mark pov.
Aigoo that girl .... It hurt so bad I can't barely walk I stays still and thinking how can someone be like this I never know I will be in this situation before I smile like an idiot by the way " I will see you soon you little monster!" Then the staff walk by and help me back to the photo booth
Lol this was a fun day :)

--------hope you all like it --_______
Thank you for reading ^^

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