Guns and Ribbons- swissliech

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This chapter is dedicated to AfterAllImAnIdol (thxs for idea!)

It was a chilly summer day and I was doing the usual, sitting on my porch gun in hand watching over my territory while Lilli played with ribbons she looked so cute.

Why I think this? I don't know I just feel that she is so adorable with that one green ribbon in her short hair and those eyes to match just beautiful.

I mean it wouldnt be incest because we aren't that closely related as she thinks I'm just a cousin so it wouldn't be incest if we began a relationship...would it?

"Hey! Vash!" The thing that rudely interrupted my thoughts was the annoying shrill voice of no other than Roderich Eldestien...great.

"Hey! Vash stop daydreaming und listen to me!" He yelled oh how I hated him but I compiled.

"Vhat? Come to whine und complain about zhe prices of jour zhings?" I said monotone and still sitting down

"Ja I did." He replied. of course you did that's all you do anyway. While we were arguing I didn't notice Lilli go inside. why? I didn't know but I wanted to though.

"Hey are jou listening?" He said snatching me out of my thoughts. I didn't reply which just made him more angry then he said...

"I HATE JOU!" Then he slapped me across the face with a random glove then while that happened and I was sitting down Lilli busted in with a AK47 and fired at Roderich she missed but kept firing I had no idea she could do this and it kinda turned me on.

"WHAT ZHE HECK ARE JOU DOING?!" He yelled while jumping and barely dodging the bullets.

"Protecting onii chan!" Was her response and during all this commotion I was sitting in the back ever so slowly getting a boner just looking at her.

Eventually, Roderich left upset and mumbling something I was too indulged in my fantasies that I didn't notice Lilli calling my name.

"Onii chan are you ok something seems to be wrong in your downstairs area" she said sweetly pretty much letting me know I had a raging boner.

I couldn't take it anymore I had to act on my feelings or I'd end up jerking off later and thats not fun at all. So, I kissed her being sure to grab her waist while doing so she was very surprised but eventually gave in then we pulled apart for air.

"Ich liebe dich, Lilli." I said.

"Ich liebe dich ach, Onii chan"


Ich liebe dich, Lilli= I love you Lilli

Ich liebe dich ach, onii chan= I love you too big brother

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