I fail at life -Prucan

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He's blonde. He's tall. He's kind. He's perfect.

Is what I thought as I walked down the corridor with my best friends, Antonio and Francis, they're idiots but I guess that makes me one too.

"Hey. Hey! Earth to Gil!!" A familiar French accented voice shouted.

"What?" I said turning to face them while still walking.

"Stop having wet daydreams and listen to us!!" He pouted.

"Yeah!" Toni agreed.

My cheeks tinted a light pink. "I-I wasn't doing that!!" I yelled a mixture of annoyed and embarrassed.

Toni sighed. "Well either way there is one thing you can't avoid..." Emphasis on the 'can't'.

This secretiveness worried me.

"What? What can I not avoid?" I asked in a panic.

"That he's coming down the hallway right now." He said giggling.

I looked up and speak of the devil there he was.

"H-hey guys." He said in his whispy voice.

"Bonjour~" Francis said flipping his hair.

Matthew laughed a dorky laugh at France's little gesture.

"Heya!" Toni says waving.

"Hi, Antonio." He says calmly.

"...hey." I mumbled blushies forming on my pale cheeks.

"Oh hey Gil." He said with a smile.

I blushed again and turned away, avoiding eye contact.

"Matthew, My pal Gilbert has something he'd like to say to you~" He explains gesturing to where I was.

"Nonononononononono." I frantically whispered shaking my head and moving my arms.

"Oh ok then." He said looking in my directon to find me vigorously disagreeing with their 'decision'.

"Ummmm..." Is all I could manage. When I turned to see where Francis and Toni went they were gone. But, I did hear them snickering behind a wall somewhere I could feel it.

"What's all this aboot?" He said tilting his head a little.

I then turned to see he was extremely close to my face and looking into my ruby colored orbs with his violet ones.

"Well...I...may or may not have a crush on a certain pancake loving, red hoodie wearing, violet eyed, blonde haired, brother having friend of mine and I was going to tell him another time how I felt but it seems I'm doing so now." I finished the last part with a teary eyed smile knowing he would reject me before looking up and seeing that I had bring him to tears.

"P-Prussia...I-I love you too." He said encasing me in his smaller arms whilst soaking my shirt in tears.

This became much more serious than I thought it would (-_-") also sry if this was terrible

HETALIA ONESHOTS \(⊙ω⊙)/Where stories live. Discover now