uh hey here have an update I guess

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So haha I was just wondering would any of you guys be interested in a Hamilton Oneshots (Lams to be exact) book? I'd been contemplating writing one for a bit now and plotting some story lines and what have you. Writing this however would mean I'd have to put the Hetalia book on a tad bit of a small hiatus. Only for a little bit though maybe a few weeks while I gather my bearings. If you guys don't want that then I won't however either way at some point I do intend to write a Hamilton book in general at some point in time. I'd also like to apologize for how many random 'life updates' that have been popping up and how short recent stories have been I AM plotting on doing better pinky promise. So please don't give up on me (⊙ω⊙|) Also along with possible Hamilton books in the future please prepare for a book of Oneshots that are Sherlock based (UwU)

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