Feelings -GerIta

145 6 25

School AU
Dedicated to _2pItaly_

Italy is my name and giving up is my game.

Yep that's how I'm introducing myself.

Hello my name is Feliciano Vargas but, friends call me Feli or Italy whatever is fine with me. I'm 16 years old and go to World Academy (weird name I know) and I have a crush on my buff friend Germany or Ludwig as he's usually called. I've been meaning to tell him this for awhile few only know how I feel one of those people is Kiku Honda or Japan I'm going to tell him my plan and see what he thinks because I trust him.

//in art class//

"Hey Japan." I said as I sat down in our usual spot in the back of the class.

"Hello, Italy. Is everything alright you seem..." He trailed off for a minute to figure out what word to use.

"You seem...anxious." He finished seemingly pleased with his choice of words.

"Well that's because I have something I need to talk to you about." I said plainly.

He inhaled then exhaled stretching the breath out so it turned into a sigh.

"Alright what is it?" He calmly said I assusmed that breath was to prepare him mentally for whatever I could possibly say.

"Well you know this already but I like Germany and I was wondering of what you thought of how I plan to tell him." I said he looked relived after I told him as if he was expecting something else prior to.

"Well go on tell me what it is." He said pushing his sketch of...Alfred? To the side.

"Ok so my plan is to first, obviously get him alone and have his full attention." He nodded his approval for that bit.

"Then, I'll possibly give him a gift and remind him of how long we've known eachother you included." He had a skeptical look on his face and asked me.

"And how long is that?" He asked.

"11 years." I calmly said and he nodded.

"After that, I'll tell him how I feel and then see his reaction." I finished.

"And what if he says no." I was worried about that.

"Well...then I'll...come to your place and cry my eyes out." I said lightly smiling at the last part he chuckled.

"I suppose that's alright." He said through giggles. I can't deny that I thought he was cute at times no one can.

//end of day at newsclub meeting//

"Yes that's a good topics Japan I'll see what I can do about it." Germany stated.

Japan and I came up with a signal that meant it was time for the plan to take place.

I winked and scratched my nose in his direction.

It's time. I thought.

"Excuse me, Ludwig must use the facilities." Kiku politely said.

"Go on ahead." He said not looking up from what he was doing.

As he was walking out Japan mouthed the words 'good luck' to me before closing the door.

"Luddy I have to tell you something." I said heart beat booming in my ears.

"Hm? What is it, Italy?" He asked.

"Hey y'know I like you right." I said musyring up whatever was left of my pride and courage.

"Excuse me? Could you repeat yourself?" He said slowly turning around. His face was a deep red.

"I said I like you like I like you, Ludwig Beldischmidt." I said welp there goes my dignity -_-"

"W-well then..." He paused for a moment as if in deep thought before saying quietly, just below a whisper.

"I...like you too..." He barely murmured.

"YAY!!" I exclaimed kissing all over his blushing face.

"I love you Luddykins~" I said while hugging him tight.


//Japan's pov//

I was on my back from the 'restroom' exactly when Italy told me to: in 30 mintues only to find him littering the shy German's blushing face with little kisses.

"They are gonna be so cute together." I whispered then I continued on my way home since I didn't want to disturb their little moment.

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