Fluffy Pancakes-PruCan

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Warning extreme fluff ahead

"Mattieeeeeee." Gilbert whined rolling around in my bed.

"Yes Gil?" I replied. This was an everyday thing so I was used to it also I forgot to mention that Gilbert is my boyfriend. We have been going out since about 9th grade that's good, I guess.

"Mattieeeeeeee." Gilbert whined again

"Yes. You have my attention what?" I asked getting slightly annoyed.

"Can you make me some breakies please?" He said attempting to use puppy eye powers on me...they worked.

"Yeah, whatever." I said giving in to his pleas.

"Yaaay! Thank you so much, Birdie!" He exclaimed tackle hugging me back onto the bed.

I got up after escaping his grasp and made my way to the kitchen and got the ingredients to make pancakes. Flour, eggs, milk, butter and other such things and began making pancakes. But today I had a surprise planned I was going to make Gil some bird shaped pancakes it would take a lot of effort but it would all be worth it later.

Well before that I had to get ready I got the ingredients I needed. Put on some music and got to cooking. It didn't take that much longer than usual only by a little bit to make the pancakes bird shaped.

Not to long after I finished Gil came downstairs.

"Hey, birdie~" he cooed.

"Hey." I said back motioning for him to come sit down and eat. I placed his pancakes in front of him then went to get my own afterwords.

"Mattie, do we have any syrup?" He asked.

"Of course we do did you forget who you were dating?" I replied while giving him the syrup.

He then looked down at his pancakes and just noticed that they were bird shaped.

"Mattie! Did you do this?!" He asked whilst flailing his arms like a little fangirl. (Yes I meant to put fangirl)

"Yeah, I did." I said he then got up and gave me a big bear hug from behind while kissing me.

"Thank you and I love you birdie~" he said before kissing me again.

"Love you too " I said back

A/N: Hi how are you sry for not updating much I'm dealing with life and school right now so yeah hopefully I can get more done soon

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