Working And Infatuated -RoChu

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This is a college AU fanfic and it's gonna be pretty long so prepare yourselves. Oh in this China works at a bookstore and Russia's a botanist. Also in this fic Russia is very clumsy and maybe a tad bit OOC

I stood at my little flower stand, and watched as Yao Yao walked out of his beloved bookshop to go across the street for a coffee break.

'Oh he's so precious' I thought as I watched him walk his long ponytail bouncing lightly in the process.

He stopped walking and turned behind him and looked in my direction so I hid and practically fell down. Curse my clumsiness.

"Somebody there?" I heard him ask to no one in particular. Well, that's not entirely true it was most likely me.

He stood silent for a moment before shrugging and continuing his walk.

Oh please excuse me for being rude. My name is Ivan (ee-vin) however most just call me Russia. I'm a botanist and I'm also in college majoring in botany. I'm fairly tall and have I'm a bit of a platinum blonde.

I'm infatuated with a small man who works next door to me at a really large bookshop his name (from what my co-worker, Kiku has told me) is Yao Wang and he's fairly short compared to most people he has shoulder length black hair that he usually keeps tied in a hair tie. He had deep brown eyes that had a certain depth like when you stare into a bay of clear water. His skin is light and appears to be soft.

His mannerisms are those of the charming sort. I worked up the courage once to go in the bookshop and talk to him. He has a voive that's not exactly deep but it's not high pitched. It's wonderful I could just listen to him talk or whisper in my ear as he slowly-No!No! Goodness why did I want him so badly!!!

"Hey Ivan are you alright? You seem lost?" Kiku's whisper of a voice pulled me away from my fantasies.

"I'm fine." I replied a bit awkwardly.

"Oh you were thinking about him again weren't you?" He said tilting his head and revealing a small smirk.

I swooned a little.

"I thought so." He smiled.

"You know I've been thinking... that you should go talk to him. You've done it before so how about this time you ask him on a date?" He inquired.

"I can't do it Kiku." I dryly responded.

"Oops well I've scheduled both yours and his co-workers to go out for drinking and such tonight." He said not sounding sorry at all.

"What?! What do I wear? What do I do? What if I mess up? What if-" I was cut off by a gentle finger on my lips.

"Relax. You're working yourself up that's not good for your body. Calm down I'll take care of you, okay?" He said reassuringly.

"Yes alright." I said calmly.

//wibbly wobbly timey wimey time skip to later that night because authors thumbs hurt//

"There you look very handsome, Ivan." Kiku said pulling back to look at me.

I had on my signature scarf but a black button down that reached a tad pass my elbow and some blue jeans with just a pair of sneakers.

"Do you think he'll like it?" I asked beginning to worry.

"I dressed you literally based on how he likes his men to dress." Kiku explained.

"He's gay too?!?!"

"Yes you big snowball!" He said using that idiotic nickname Alfred had come up with.

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