We are just friends-RusAme

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I think Mattie would hardcore ship this

"No. We are not dating so stop asking me, Matt." I say for the fifth time today. I don't know why everyone thinks me and Ivan are dating. I mean I guess he's kind of hot. But! That's beside the point.

Right now its break time during a world meeting in Germany. So far Ludwig has only yelled twenty times so I guess that's good.

Right now I'm walking down the hall with my brother, Matthew. Who apparently thinks that me and Ivan would be a good couple. I mean, yes we do have our differences and he is handsome but I just don't think he likes me. I think him and Yao are secretly dating but you didn't hear that from me.

Anyway, Mattie decided that today was the day that I was gonna confess. Whether I liked it or not. I just hoped we didn't run into him while we were-

"Oh. Hello Alfred and Matthew how are you?" Well speak of the devil there he is right in front of me. Mattie started smirking. Great.

"HeyRussiathatsgreatAlfredhassomethingtosaysobye!" Mattie said slurring his words together and running off. Well no backing down now.

"Um...Hey Ivan sup." I said. God this is awkward.

"Oh. Nothing much your brother said you had something to say to me." Crap. He understood what he said now what.

"Uh. Yeah I kinda do." I mumbled

"Well I must say something first." He said averting his gaze.

"Yeah. What?" I asked this I had to know was he declaring war or something.

"I actually like you...a lot." He said without looking at me. Wow. Unexpected.

"Umm...wow. ok that's convenient. wow umm...I-"

"I understand if you do not feel the same I just wanted to tell you."he began to walk off. I stopped him.

"Now you listen here. I never said how I felt or even what I came to tell you and that thing was that I love you. That you make my heart skip a beat when you talk and your eyes are gorgeous and I just love you." I confessed. Wow Japan was right I do feel better after telling him.

"So umm...would you like to become one with mother Russia?" He smirked.

"Of course." I said and with that we went back into the meeting this time holding hands.

Im so sorry for not updating in a while school has been a pain and I just moved so yeah expect updates to be a little slow so yeah also sort this is so short thanks for reading this and my other book What Do You Want? (if that applies to you) ⊙°⊙ also next chapter will prob be AmeCan

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