You shall be my squishy-CanAme

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Ok so this just happened. Pretty much I have a headcanon that America is usually nice and fit well in my headcanon he only becomes chubs when someone mentions it (like Yuri from Yuri on ice!!) So beware of raspberries etc etc

"Al...I just noticed how freaking chubby you are." Mattie said as he lounged on my stomach. I'm usually fit and nice but for some odd reason when ever someone mentions it I seem to become chubbier.

"N-no I'm not~" I whined.

"Yes you are~" He said back, mocking me while rubbing by tum.

He continued to do this for I don't know how long but then suddenly my shirt was pulled up and.

"PPPPBBHBLT!" He spat in to my stomach, making a sound recognized world-wide as a raspberry.

And it tickled like crazy.


"NYHEHEHEHE NEVER!!" He said momentarily lifting his head up before going back to my stomach.

"NOOOOOOO MATTS I'M GONNA PEE ON YOU DX!!!" I cried out seriously feeling like I had to pee (don't try this at home sincerely-- admin)

"EWWW  NO DON'T PEE IN ME DX" He said getting off of me and pushing me away.

"PSCYH!!!" I screamed before jumping onto him.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!?!!??!!" He screeched trying to escape from under me.

"REVENGE!!" I proclaimed tickiling him in all his most ticklish spots (I'm not even sure 'tickiling ' is a word but just bare with me and my terrible spelling)

Then they tickled until the end of time

Yea idk either

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