Please...put me in a psych ward

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Please put me in a psych ward

at least you won't be there.

Please put me in a psych ward

so I can make new friends.

I totally qualify to get in

and maybe it'll be a lot of fun

meeting people with problems like me

and hoping that I'd never leave

because it'd be better than home

with you two arguing all the time

and yelling at my brothers

Just because they like to smoke.

Then yelling at me just cuz you want to

and making me cry, oh I bet you like that

I'd rather fucking die, the whole world would like that.

What am I to people?

Just a burden, no one cares.

Shut the fuck up everyone, no you don't

and people say they love me

even though they have no idea

that love isn't actually real.

I don't know what my mind is thinking half the time,

all I know is that I'm crazy

and no one could ever help me out

because I won't tell anyone anything

at least about my feelings.

It's not that I don't want help,

but I don't, it's just because...

I always explain it wrong,

like as if in my head it's right

but my words can't show it

goddamnit I can't do anything right

so what to do now, what to say.

My parents apologized, they won't go away.

I wish two hadn't, I wish they said bye

so that I could leave them

and move somewhere happy instead.

Now I'm much less than happy,

I'm enraged, depressed, frustrated, stressed, confused, contemplative, suicidal, anxious, abnormal, wondrous, joyous, annoyed, and drained.

All at the same time.

And you think that you can help me?

Well your wrong, no one can,

I'm too fucked up for the whole fucking world

and you know something else?

I cover it all up.

So no one sees anything that I feel,

only the fake emotions I wear

and therefore nothing is real,

no one knows the real me.

So that means my parents dont know shit

and that therapist that said I was fine?

I fucking lied to that bitch,

it was fucking hilarious.

So instead of being fucked up I'm fine

and instead of talking I hold it all in

but soon I won't be able to hold it all in,

I'll explode into a million pieces

and no one will be at my funeral.

So please...put me in a psych ward

so that I won't be bored.

Put me in a psych ward

because you don't trust me abrupt don't like my friends or my hair or the way I act but get this, you fucks, I'll never change!

Emotion driven, bittersweet, and heartfelt poetryWhere stories live. Discover now