I'm done with you

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I can't live like this anymore

I'm crying, cursing my whole existence.

You guys don't love me, you never have

if so why did you hit me with that belt?

I want to run away, as fast as I can.

I'd live on the street if I had to

because that's how much I hate you.

Why was I even born?

I never wanted to endure this,

when I say there's something wrong with me

you laugh and think it's a joke.

Well I'm telling you, there's something wrong with you

you stupid, fucking, shitty ass bitches.

I don't know what to even do anymore.

My life feels like it's over,

you told me I have to go to military school?

Yeah right, I'm fucking out of here

cuz that shit would fucking kill me

and right now I want to kill you

watch you die from under my cold hands.

You think you rule over me?

I'm a person and you can't even see that.

Why am I supposed to be your star child?

The one that does good in school

and that stays away from all the bad.

Just because my brothers fucked up?

You put too much pressure on me,

expect too much of me

so now I'm fucking done with you

I'll be waiting outside your room

with a knife in my hand

and once I hear you both snoring

I'll show you what love really means.

Emotion driven, bittersweet, and heartfelt poetryWhere stories live. Discover now