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Chapter 24- Come with me



I looked around as I stepped onto the sidewalk thinking about when I was normal. When I could actually be considered a living person. I didn't exactly love my life like that and I always felt like something was missing. Just didn't think it'd be this.

"Reminiscing about old times brother?" Micah asked and I continued walking as I chuckled.

"Brother? Thought I was disowned the moment I walked through the door"

"I learn to forgive, Thought you were the same"

"Those people, Ali and Nate. They're the bad ones"

"And who told you that? Skyler? Or was it that dark colors only wearing super hero Zylen?"

"You're easy to trick, Always have been"

He went in front of me making me stay in place as his nose flared. "I looked out for you, When no one would and all you do is continue to make me the bad guy"

"You're letting them make you the bad guy" I poked his chest. "That device located by your heart is what's labeling you.. Not me"

He rolled his eyes as I walked past him. "Oh so you're an expert now? Damn they're making you think you have a chance winning this"

I looked the other direction and he turned my head back in his direction. "I'm the only one that can help you. Me. Skyler is on a killing rampage did she tell you that?"

I shook my head. "She's not like you-"

"But she is! Who's really the villain here? They're feeding you these lies about the hybrids and the wolves hating each other and the vampires just happened to be in the middle of it. That's a lie and they're lying to you."

I pushed him away from me with all my force and he flew across the yard. "You're the one lying!"

He Jumped and landed in front of me with his eyes dark yellow. "You're so fucking stressful you don't understand! Listen to me. I'll never hurt you"

"Stay away from him!" Alice yelled and Micah turned to look at her and Sam.

"Oh look it's the other unimportant characters" He laughed as he willingly walked towards them. "Go ahead, Fight me"

Sam got in fighting position and Alice grabbed a dagger from her boot.

"Wait, Where's the other three? This party can't begin until they arrive. I would love to see my sister again"

Alice ran towards Micah and he picked her up by her neck then threw her against the building wall as Sam ran towards him only to be held in a chock hold position.

"Weaker than I thought you were"


I walked down the hallway as a banging headache made me wince but went away as quickly as it appeared. A hand grabbed me and pulled me in the janitor's closet where Zylen stood under the light with his eyes a dark shade of blue.

"What are you-"

"Before you talk let me Just explain. That day you got bullied by Adam and Daniel and I helped you get your stupid stuffed animal back but you didn't acknowledge me. That day hurt me more than I've ever been hurt"

"Zylen I don't wanna hear th-"

"I thought I wouldn't ever see you again and get to be your hero despite you not caring about my presence. Then when I went out for a hunt that my mom told me I needed to train and I saw you" He trailed then grabbed my hand. "You had that same dumb animal and I was going to walk away but a boy showed up"

"Zylen please"

"When he tried.. To grab you and make you sleep with him I was frozen but I was angry. Who would rape you-"


"Someone so innocent and sweet-"


"Who just wanted to go for a walk.. He thought he saw something and that's why he let you go. My dad kept teaching me illusions and I made him see himself dying. Then I came and hugged you while you cried and it broke my heart watching you cry"

"Why are you telling me this?" I asked feeling myself about to cry hearing him try to fight the urge.

"You told your mom, Everyone searched for him but couldn't find him because after I took you home I.. I found him and I" He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "I killed my first person that night. I killed him and his parents saw it and I put a spell on them to make them forget"

"Everyone thought I was a liar"

"I know, I'm sorry. I wanted to protect you and I felt like that was my job. When I finally seen you again I watched you arrive to school with Victor and I ran when you saw me. All those memories were wiped from me but somehow seeing you brought them back. The lady that took you and your memories took mine when she laid on her death bed as long as I promised to help you regain your abilities. I don't know why the old hag took my memories honestly. What I'm saying is. Skyler I've always been in lo-"

"Please don't say it"

"Love with you"

I sighed and shook my head. "So what now? You expect me to throw myself in your arms? This isn't a fairytale"

His eyes turned light blue as he slowly looked down and dropped my hand. "I wasn't expecting.. I was hoping. I come off as this rude bad boy who takes life way to seriously but. I'm terrified, I'm scared I'll die one day. And because I'm part warlock my death isn't easy. I can relive it everyday of my afterlife. I can watch you move on when I die"

"I can't love you Zy"

He looked up and his eyes switched purple.

Hope. He was hoping I'd change my mind. I guess that means when they were blue it was sad.

"You do love me" He protested.

"Zylen I don't-"

"I put a truth circle around us. If you lie your skin becomes paler and right now you're Jack Frost"

I opened my mouth to say something when we both groaned in pain as a vision of Alice crying and screaming went through my mind. Zylen looked at me and he looked scared.

"What was that?" I asked Just as Zane opened the door.

"Sam's down. It doesn't look good"

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