-_ Chapter 56 ~ A Changed Goat. _-

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Toriel's POV:

I closed the front door on the porch gently, intending to cuddle the sleeping Sans on the swing chair. I padded my way over, but I was stopped by a someone. This someone, was none other, than Asgore. I stopped dead in my tracks, seeing the goat man nearly closing the wooden gate. We both locked gazes. I gulped stiffly. "A-Asgore." I croaked. I noticed a bead of sweat run down his forehead. "T-Tori- Toriel." He said, trying to be as casual as possible. I can't believe I was trying to make small talk with the same man who almost killed my boyfriend. Max and Amelia were fast asleep adorably in their cots, and I wouldn't let Asgore lay a finger on any of them both.

I opened my mouth to say something, but Asgore held a hand out. "Toriel, please. Just listen to me. Just this once." He pleaded. I squeezed my fists together. "Alright." I said, closing my eyes. "Toriel, I'm not the man you once knew. I'm so sorry I hit Sans all those months ago. I'm a changed man." He said. I let out a deep breath. "Please. Can I just see the twins?" Asgore asked. I gave a fake smile. "I don't think I have your trust." I said. He gave a weak smile back at me. "I'm not the mean, ignorant person who was your boyfriend. I've turned a new leaf. Please. I just to see my ex's baby twins. Just once." He said.

I nodded and looked down momentarily. "Alright. I'm trusting you Asgore." I said. I waved him off as I went around the garden to see Sans. I sat next to him on the swing chair and hugged him. "Sans... wake up..." I hummed, hugging him. "Mmm... What's up?" He mumbled quietly. "We have a visitor." I whispered. He hugged me back and put his head on my shoulder. "Who is it?" He questioned. "I-It's Asgore. He wants to see the twins." I said. He shot me a scared look. "Don't worry. He's a changed man, I have his trust." I said.

We walked inside the house with Asgore and upstairs towards the baby room. He admired the shelves and draws that was neatly placed. He looked over at Amelia, who was being cradled by me. "This is little Amelia. And that's Max over there." I said, gesturing to Sans who was rocking the small skeleton. He smiled warmly. "M-may I hold one?" He asked nervously. I hesitated, but soon gave in. I gently held out Amelia to him and watched as the goat man held the vulnerable baby. "She... she's beautiful." He said, smiling. "Isn't she the sweetest?" I cooed, my eyes watching Max.

We all had a nice chat before Asgore left us to our thoughts.

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