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Last night I thought I'd sleep at my pops instead of heading home. To be honest, I was drunk and I didn't want to drive. Misty been blowing my ass up every since last night but I couldn't just answer it, knowing the bull would start. Even though we had our own little shit going on, I got other shit I need to be worried about and I'll just have to deal with whatever once I get home. Shit, I'm trying to look out for our safety and her bull on me not coming home wasn't really a big deal.

"Yo you good?" Tunchie asked.

I smoked from my half gone blunt, nodding. "I'm good man, just a lot of shit going on in my head. But uma get this shit under control"

"Fa sho"

I passed the blunt to him as my phone rung once again, seeing that it was Misty. I rubbed over my mouth and answered anyways.


"Yo? Look Nate I'm not really in the mood for your bullshit-

"What yo ass call for then. You the one starting shit already -

"You know what, fuck you Nate. I'm your girl and your girl suppose to know everything your doing. Whats going on with you my dude? But just forget it, don't answer. I'll be gone when you get here since whatever is going on doesn't concern me! Oh and by the way...the test came back and he's yours"

With that I was met with the dial tone. It's like my whole world stopped once she said that the kid was mine. Even though we agreed to get through it together, I know Misty was hurt and crushed once finding out. But as her man, I got to make shit right so we could get our relationship on the right page. I promise from the bottom of my heart, I never meant to hurt Misty like this. And it's sad to say that I'm the cause of all this shit man.

"Aye man, I'll hit you up later on bout' this shit" I dapped tunchie

"Everything good?"

"Naw man, but I'll catch you up"


So much was running through my head, but I had to worry about getting home to my woman right now. Within about an thirty minutes, I was now pulling up into my driveway just to see Misty and Ethan loading shit in Misty Jeep. I quickly hopped out my whip without even cutting it off. Like what the fuck she think she was doing?

"Misty?" I called out

She ignored me as I followed behind her into the house and up the stairs.

"Look ma, what you doing?"

She stopped in her tracks, sighing.

"I just can't handle all this right now....please just....give me some time to think-

"What you mean Misty. You said we were going to get through this-

"Yes I know but it isn't just that. Nate...I'm pregnant and-

"I know"

She looked at me and shook her head and laughed to keep from tearing up.

"I'm stressing and it's not good for the baby. I need time to think and time away from this life we're living. Clearly there is something going on that you don't want me to know. Until your ready to discuss everything with me, I'll be at my father's."

She tried walking away but I grabbed her arm lightly.


"Please, for the sake of our child Nate" she pleaded with teary eyes.

I licked over my lips sighing afterwards. Damn man, I really fucked up. Hell I should be mad to about her not telling me she was pregnant but I had already figured she was.

For the remainder of the day, I just watched as her and E took most of her things and placed them in the car. At this point I couldn't even continue to watch so I just left down into the basement.




It's been a week since I've talked to Nate and honestly it's been eating my ass up. I've been getting calls and texts from him all day, everyday. Today I had a doctor's appointment and I truly wanted him to be there with me but I just couldn't see him at this point. So instead, I insist on tagging along my father. He just wouldn't shut up about seeing his unborn grandchild so I brought him because honestly the begging was getting irritating. At this point in life at the age of twenty four, I've never thought I'd be pregnant and all this shenanigans going on. Once getting out of college and getting my major in fashion, I've not once went and handled my dreams but trust me, in due time I will.

"Hello, I'm Dr. Valdez and I'll be with you throughout your pregnancy" the Hispanic looking lady said that looked like she was in her mid thirties.

"Oh great!"

"So is this the -

"Nooooo, nooo" my father interrupted. "I'm just the father of the mother" he said making sure she got it. I just shook my head smiling.

"Oh okay, so if you don't mind me asking, where is the father?" She asked setting everything up.

"Um, well we're not on good terms right now sooo..."

She nodded holding her hand up. "All I need to know.....Okay lye back for me Ms.-

"Just call me Misty"


As she placed the cold light blue gel onto my stomach, my phone rung loudly as I motioned for my dad to get it for me. Once showing me who it was, I rolled my eyes and focused my attention back on Dr. Valdez.

"Y'all need to quash this Bs" Murda said.

"Oh kay' guys, do you hear that?" She asked, we both nodded.

"Is that the heart?"

"Indeed it is and this little growing bundle of joy is your baby" she smiled pointing as my smile soon turned into pouty lips.

I was hearing my baby heart beat and seeing him or her for the first. It was the most amazing thing ever and honestly I just can't wait to actually have him or her in my arms. No matter what the sex is, I'll love my child unconditionally. Tears escaped my eyes as my dad wiped them.

"That's my baby"

"Yes baby girl"

"Well I'm going to print these for you and you'll be ready to go" Doc spoke as I cleaned the gel off.

As soon as Doc walked out, I looked to my father as he shook his head. I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"What daddy?"

He just pointed and shook his head. "That's selfish of you" I frowned squirting my eyes.

"What are you talking about?"

"Not letting that boy come to see his first child and hear the heart beat"

"Correction, second child. And dad please.. we've already discussed this. I'm not ready to see-

"Yea yea yea, I know. You know, more and more I see you, you act just like your mother. Stubborn, mean, don't like to listen, and always want shit your way. Yes I know he's in the wrong but Misty that's his damn baby too and truth be told both y'all asses need to get this shit together. This ridiculous." He stated keeping his eyes peeled on me. "I gotta be the one to set y'all asses straight for my grandbaby" he shook his head headed for the door.

Honestly even though I didn't want to hear nothing he said, I had no choice. We literally did need to get it together for the sake of our child. I would be devastated if something happened because of our bullshit.


Excuse the mistakes!

A Thugs Queen (Sequel To Plug Daughter)Where stories live. Discover now