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Here I was walking down this dark hallway with just a little light as Vincent and his men followed behind. The smell was so strong, I could literally vomit right now. I can't believe I agreed to work with this bastard after everything he's done to me and my people. But, little did he know, I had some shit up my sleeves.

"Stop here" Vincent demanded.

Once the door squeaked open, my eyes immediately watered as I waisted no time in rushing to his side. Nate smelled and looked so bad as it melted my heart to pieces. Mind y'all, I'm pregnant going through all this shit.

"Baby, baby wake up" I teared up noticing the gunshot womb on his side. He was literally loosing blood as we speak and I be damned he died here.

"Okay enough of this sappy shit, get her up" Vincent ordered his men to do.

"No, he's losing too much blood. We have to get him to the hospital!" I demanded snatching away from the man. He grabbed me roughly, standing me on my feet as tears fell down my face.

"He'll get help once you give me what I want" he licked his lips as my stomach turned.

"Please, just please" I pleaded for once as they all laughed. It only pissed me off.

"Please, please. Bitch you owe me and I'm going to get what's mine" he mocked me then grabbed me forcefully by the neck, with a tight grip.

I winced as he ordered his men to leave. He waisted no time slipping his hands in between my thighs. Tears fell down my face as he whispered shit in my ear. I stood praying that what I had planned came sooner than later. All these flashbacks were coming back to me as I looked towards Nate as his lifeless body sat there hunched over. This man was my lifeline and the thought of seeing him unconscious like this hurts my heart. Just when Vincent was about to unbuckled my pants, gunshots were being fired as I took it upon myself to knee him in the balls.

"Fuck! You bitch!" he yelled in pain.

I seen him reach for his gun as he fired it towards me, missing. Just when he was about to fire it again, my dad bussed through the door, lighting Vincent up with no remorse. All I could do was hold Nate close and tightly im my arms. He was barely breathing and it scared me.

"Don't leave us, please!" I begged sobbing like crazy as Ethan picked me up bridal style. I was too weak to even walk due to crying.

"Yo help me pick him up! Hurry, we gotta go before this shit blows!" my dad yelled as they all hurriedly ran out carrying Nates body.


Time now read four in the morning and here I was laying next to Nate as all these fucking cords were on him. Not wanting to get the police involved, my dad hired his best doctors to work on Nathan. Long story short, if he would have sat there any longer we would have lost him. Apparently, he had two gunshot wombs and due to the amount of blood he has lost he was now in a coma. Doc says that these things could last days, months and even years. I just pray that he recovers before our unborn child gets here or just during this pregnancy. I've been through so much these past two months while pregnant and not having the support of my husband during the rest would be challenging. But, I knew I had family that would help.

A knock appeared on the door as it opened revealing Ethan. Combing my hair out my face with my fingers, I sat up on the side of the bed as he had this sympathetic look on his face. He stood me up, wrapping his arms tightly around my torso as I wrapped mines around his neck.

"How are you feeling bighead?" he asked sitting next to me.

Sighing, rubbing over my face. "Hanging in there. Look I know we haven't been speaking much lately and I'm sorry I didn't inform you on my pregnancy. Out of all people, you've been in my life since elementary and it was wrong on my part that I didn't tell you."

A Thugs Queen (Sequel To Plug Daughter)Where stories live. Discover now