Chapter Two

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I am sitting at a long table, with the other Avengers, and Bri. Bri is next to me holding my hand. I don't like being the center of attention. I cant do this. What if I lose control? I cant lose control. The last time I lost control I...

"Miss McLougin." My eyes snap up to the African American with an eye patch.

"My name is Nick Fury and I am the Director of Shield." Shield? Where have I heard that name? "You cannot stay at you apartment, being it is compromised. So you will stay at Avenger's Tower." Wait. Staying in the same building. With the Avengers. Alone. Bri squeezes my hand. "I can call your work..."

"Keria doesn't work." Bri butts in. Nick Fury raises an eyebrow.

"May I ask why?" I suck in a breath.

"She....can't." Bri says, not wanting to explain. Nick Fury nods. Mr. Stark is looking at me intrigued.

"You can go pack up all your things, I will send....Natasha with you." I nod. Bri and I get up. I lean against the wall, taking in shaky breaths.

"Keria calm down. Everything will be alright." Bri coos.

"No they wont be. Bri, I have to stay in the same building as the Avengers...they are gonna ask questions....I could hur...." I stop talking when Natasha walks out of the room. She looks at me.

"Ready?" I nod, shrinking into my hoodie. I follow her to a car. We take it to my apartment. I unlock my door and walk in. I go to my room to my clothing which all fit in one large suitcase, all my electronics and sketch books and notebooks fit into my book bag. I also grabbed the black duffle I have hidden in my closet. I look at the picture of me and my family. We use to be happy. I sigh. I walk into my bathroom and stuff my medicine into my bag, hoping Natasha wont see. I also slip my pocket knife into my back pocket. I walk out into the living room with my bags. I see one of my many pill bottles near Natasha. She grabs it. I snatch it out of her hand, stuffing it into my bag. She doesn't question me. We head back to the tower. Me on my bike. Natasha shows me to my room which is on her floor. They all have their own floors. So I am sharing with Nat because we are both girls. Less awkward. I put all my things away. I look at the black duffle. Nat walks in so I quickly kick it under my bed.

"I saw that." I sigh and look at my hands. "What were the pills for?"

"Many things." She raises an eyebrow. "The ones you saw are to help me sleep at night."


"Because." I say, not wanting to discuss this. She nods and leaves. I stay in my room the rest of the day. I can hear laughing and music outside of my isolation. I sigh. I can never experience fun. I walk into the bathroom. I lock the door and take out my pocket knife. I sit in the tub. I start whispering a song in my native language. I cut from the inside to my elbow to where my old cuts start. I drop my arm and watch the blood drip down.


I wake up to someone screaming/laughing. I groan and look at my arm. No wonder I didn't have any nightmares. I passed out from blood loss. I strip and start the shower. Hissing when it hits my arm. I get out and dry off. I put on black skinny jeans that are so worn out they are like a second skin and a large black hoodie. I wrap my arm. I brush my teeth and hair. I look at myself. My black eyes and black hair pointing out the most. I roll my eyes and walk into my room. My phone goes off.

"Keria, wanna meet up for coffee?" Craig, my art buddy, asks.

"Sure. Starbucks in ten." He hangs up. I grab my boots and slip into them. I tie them up. I grab my bag, putting money and a few sketch books, pencils and colored pencils into it. I slip my phone into my pocket. I leave my room to find the floor empty. Hmm.. I go down to the garage and climb onto my bike. I speed off to the Starbucks me and Craig always meet at. Craig and I are close. He knows about some things. Not everything. He knows that my past has corrupted my future. I park and walk inside. Everyone glares at me. I shrank back. Craig puts his arm around me and leads me into a corner.

"Thanks." I say. He hands me my mocha drink. I sip it and pull out one of my sketch books. I open it and show him my latest creation.

"Man, if only Captain America could see this." I blush and look away. Craig laughs at me. We hang out for an hour, just talking and drawing. My phone goes off.


"Where the hell are you? Tony is freaking out." Bri yells. I sigh.

"I am at Starbucks. Tell him I'll be in you office in ten." I hang up.

"I gotta go. Nice talking with ya." I wave bye. I climb onto my bike and speed off to Stark Industries. I pull up next to Bri's car. I walk inside, my hood up and sun glasses on. I walk into Bri's office. I find a very pissed off Mr. Stark and Natasha.

"You cant just leave without letting anyone know." Natasha yells. I flinch, waiting for the hit. Bri looks at me with a sad expression. She walks over to me and pulls me into a hug.

"Nat please don't yell at her." Bri says. Nat walks over and hugs me. Which surprises me.

"I'm sorry. You had me worried." Someone? Worried about me?

"Sorry. I was at Starbucks with a friend." Bri squeals.

"CRAIG! Oh how I've missed that asshat." I shake my head at her. Nat sighs. She pulls me out of the office. We head back to the tower. I follow Nat to her floor.

"Jarvis let the others know we found her." Nat says.

"Yes Miss. Romanoff." I walk to my room. My arm is stinging like hell. A few moments later I hear yelling and very angry voices out side my door. I whimper and hide in the bathroom. I slide into the tub even though it still has blood on it. Tears are in my eyes, waiting to fall. I don't want to get beat. I hate the beatings. I choke out a small sob before slapping my hand over my mouth. I hear my bedroom door open then the bathroom one. Nat rushed over to me and pulls me into her arms as I cry. She then notices the blood. I really should have cleaned it. Now here comes the questions.

"Why don't you clean up and put on some comfy clothes and we will watch a movie." Nat says softly. I look at her confused.

"Why aren't you hitting me?" I croak. She looks at me shocked.

"Oh dear. What have you been through?" She whispers. She pulls me up and helps me sit on the toilet.

"I'll be in the living room." I nod. She leaves. I get up and strip out of my now blood soaked clothes. My arm started bleeding again. I don't want to out on another hoodie. I put on grey sweats, that are stained with blood, and a black tank top. I walk out of my room. I peak around the corner to see Blue eyes, Mr. Stark and Nat talking. Nat spots me and smiles at me. I shyly walk out from behind the wall. Nat gasps.

"Keria! Your arm!" I sigh and look down.

"Please don't tell Bri." I whisper. Mr. Stark walks over to me and takes my arm, unwrapping the bloody bandage.

"Do you cut?" I sigh and nod.

"Why?"  Blue eyes asks, he is now standing behind Mr. Stark. I sigh and keep my eyes trained on the floor.

"Because, my past has corrupted my future." And that is all I tell them.

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