Chapter Four

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I am in the lab with Bruce. Fury put a halt to my training. Seeing as it brings back bad memory's. Nat picked my outfit today. Her and Pepper went shopping for me, seeing as I hate being out in public. I am wearing tight leggings and a half tank top. My black hair is in a pony tail.

"So, what can you do?" Bruce asks. "I-If you don't mind."

"Its okay Bruce. I can manipulate the elements. But I can also move things with my mind. I also have this ability called dreamwalking. I am called a Dreamwalker to most. I can go into someone's mind and either help them find something the forgot or turn their most happiest memory into their worst fear, killing them form their mind." I say. Bruce looks shocked but nods.

"How long has it been since you used your powers?"

"Five years." I whisper. He stares at me wide eyed. "I hurt someone I loved, I'm a monster." He shakes his head.

"No you not."

"Neither are you Bruce." I say as Tony walks in with Steve.

"Ah miss Fire." I look down at my hands. "Brucie and I have made you a suit that shouldn't be blocked by your powers and wont burn like normal clothes." He hands me it. I go to change. its a black and blue cat suit. With black knee length boots. I put it on, zipping up the boots. I walk out, looking at it. I look up to see Steve looking at me shocked. I blush.

"Test out your powers." Tony says. I sigh. I think back to what I use to do. I open my eyes to see fire swirling around us. I smile sadly before putting it out. Fury is standing in the door way.

"Nice work Keria." I nod, shrinking back. "I think your powers can come to help with our next mission." We are debriefed and sent out. Nat can tell I am nervous.

"You will do fine. Just stay with one of us." I nod.

"Alright. Clint, Natasha, you will take the truck and drive, shooting anyone in your way. Stark you take the skies. Me and Keria will take the ground." Everyone nods. I climb onto the bike with Steve. We take off. I don't hold onto him. He hits something hard, making me grab his shoulders.

"Sorry." I shake my head. We make it to the Hydra base. A truck comes at us. I jump up and take ahold of a tree branch, pulling myself into a tree. I watch everyone fight. Waiting for my chance to help. I scream when a knife plunges in between my ribs. I fall out of the tree. In the air, I pull the knife out of my ribs. I am caught by metal arms. I look to see Tony.

"I need to go back down."

"No." He says. He has me pressed against his suit as he fires at enemy's. We make it into the building. He is still firing. We make it to a room where someone is in the corner of the room. She looks scared. Her hair hiding her face. I stumble over to her. I take a deep breath and place my hand on her chest. She looks into my black eyes. I am pulled in.

I stumble into a wall. I grab the knife I never dropped. I look up and start climbing. I find the girl on her knees.

"I've been waiting for you." A very familiar voice cackles. I move my eyes from the girl to...

"What are you doing here?" I snap. My hand tightening on the knife. She tsk's.

"So demanding. I thought we would just talk."

"Talk?" I scoff. "That's not what you did back then." She laughs.

"Now now. Cant we leave that in the past." She laughs. I glare at her. "If you haven't notice. We are back. And for some reason his eyes are set on you. We will see each other soon. Don't get to comfortable. You will be right back where we started." With that she sends an arrow into the girl. I try to stop it but I am ripped out of her mind.

I gasp as I am pulled out of her mind. Her chest is bleeding where the arrow was. I growl. I stand up, despite my knife wound. Tony is fighting, trying to keep me safe. Steve runs in.

"STEVE." I scream. I materialize behind him, taking the knife to my neck. I scream as the katana slices the crook of my neck. I kick her back into the hall way. I run after her pissed. My vision is becoming blurry. I grumble.

"Ah isn't it Miss. McLougin. The freak boss wants." My heart breaks. Freak. That's all I am. I feel arms wrap around my waist, pulling me back into a hard chest. I am spun around and into the arms of Clint. I look up at him before looking back at Steve fighting the girl. That's when it clicked what she is.

"STEVE DONT." I scream. Pulling against Clint's hold. She has Steve pinned against the wall. She smirks at me as she kisses him, pulling him into her hold. She pulls away. I can sense the change in him. I push Clint into the room with Tony.

"Stay away from this hall Clint."

"You cant take them both."

"I have to. This is personal." I growl. Clint nods. I turn back to Steve and the bitch I now remember.

"Oh you remember me." She says sarcasticly.

"Stevie get her." She giggles. I size him up. I've seen him fight briefly. I can see Nat down the hall. Steve attacks me. He lands a hard punch to my jaw. I can already feel the bruise forming. I materialize behind him, kicking him into the wall.

"NOW NAT." I yell. I walk up to Steve and put my hand on his chest. I look deep into his eyes. Being a Dreamwalker, I can kinda control people, but I am more skilled at breaking Controllers.  I feel her control snap.. She screams. Steve blinks a couple of times before he looks at me. I sigh and pull my hand away. I turn around only to be punched in the jaw, AGAIN. I growl and glare at her.

"YOU BITCH." She screams. I walk up to her. I have her trapped in a corner. I tap her forehead and catch her before she fell. Tony walks over and takes her from me. We all head back. Mission sort of successful.

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