Chapter Ten

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I've been in the Shield hospital for a week. I can finally go back to Avengers Tower. Bruce and Tony were really the only one's who came to see me. Bruce and I talked about the chip. Tony picked on me. I am now slipping into clothes. I slip into grey sweat pants. The tank top I am not putting on. I feel something thrown into my face.

"Here" Tony says. I slip into the white t-shirt, quickly realizing its Steve's. I get up with Tony's help. He helps me out of the room. Pepper rushes to me. She helps me back to the Avengers Tower. No one is here which is weird. We make it to my room and I am panting. I sit on my bed. Pepper is fussing over me. I sigh and let her. I never really had a mother to do this. I smile sadly, thinking of my mother. I miss her. My eyes snap up to the door Pepper just bolted out. I painfully get up and make my way out of it. Pepper isn't in sight. I sigh. I limp to the kitchen, a couple floors down. One floor is just the kitchen, large pantry and dining room and even a large lounge area. I limp over to the fridge and open it. Empty. Great. I sigh and lean against the counter. I sigh. I remember the last thing I said to my mother. We were fighting. I never got to say I love you. She was gone before I could. They ripped her away from me. They ripped my family apart. Faith. I shake my head. Wiping the tears away. I limp out of the kitchen to see the Avengers in the lounge. Not looking so hot. Tony has a busted lip and black eye. Bruce is tending to Clint who has a huge gash on his face, a broken wrist and a dislocated shoulder. My eyes move to Thor who seems okay-ish. My eyes then move to Nat who has a couple cuts on her face, a dislocated shoulder, and something wrong with her leg. Then finally Steve. He looks worse then anyone. Busted lip, a gash going from his shoulder to his elbow and a gash on his neck. And that's all I cans see at the moment. I lean against the wall.

"Looks like you got your asses handed." I say. All eyes snap to me. But Pepper's and Bruce's. Clint flinches when Bruce pops his shoulder back into place. Nat already popped hers into place.

"You look worse." Tony says. I smirk.

"Yeah. I guess I do, huh?" Tony shakes his head. "No food." I say.

"Yeah, we haven't had the time to shop." Tony says. I nod.

"Why?" He give me a "are-you-fucking-kidding". I shrug. I limp to the elevator. It opens and I walk in.

"Be back in a bit." I say as the doors close. I smirk. Nice timing. I get to the garage. I climb into one of the cars. I grind my teeth. I go to McDonalds and order five dinner boxes and a lot of drinks and some other things. I drive back. Only being gone for about five minutes. When I pull into the garage, Tony is standing there.

"Going to help?" We bring all the food to the kitchen. Once everyone is patched up, they come in and eat. I don't grab anything, wanting them to eat, pulls I am too fat. Need to lose weight. I walk out of the kitchen. I go back to Nat's floor. I don't make it to my room so I just crash onto the couch.

"Not eating?" A husky voice asks. I shake my head. A dinner box is placed onto the table. Steve sits next to me handing me a tea. I take it and drink some of it. He gets up and puts a movie in. My leg is shooting pain. I grumble. Steve moves my legs onto his lap. I smile. He hands me a big mac which I eat. We eat and watch the funny movie. I sigh when I see the sister and little sister. Steve stops the movie.

"Nat told you?" He nods slowly. "Steve-" I move my legs and stand up. "-its no ones fault but my own. I wasn't careful and fell right into there hands." He grabs my arm and lightly pulls me back down. He kneels in between my legs. Cupping my face.

"Its not your fault." He whispers. "I just cant even think about what those guys di-"

"Its what they do." I slap my hand over my mouth. My eyes wide.

"What do you mean its what they do?" Steve asks. I sigh. Having to tell him now.

"I was twelve years old when they killed my parents. I couldn't save them. I couldn't do anything. My little sister, Faith, was hiding in the bush. She was four. I told her to stay hidden. It was the only thing I could do to keep her safe. I was taken to a house, and thrown into the basement. Five men came down an-and raped me four a full day." Steve clenches his jaw. He nods for me to keep going. "It was like that. Raped, beaten and I would train. The only day I didn't get beaten or raped was the day I meant him. The one who ordered them to kill my parents.."

"Did you escape?" Steve asks.

"Yes. I got a hold of a phone when I was fifteen. I called the only person I could think of. Johnny. He came and got me out of there and brought me back to his place. A week after being there. Bri and her parents come. Bri is older than me and she was like eighteen at this point. I don't remember much about that time since I wasn't really awake most of it." Steve drops his head in anger. "Steve." He looks at me. Nodding for me to continue. "Sixteen and I move out of Johnny's and into an apartment..."

"How do your powers tie into this?"

"I found my powers when I was five. My dad taught me to control the elements. Ice being my most powerful. But as I grew older I found new powers. I didn't realize I was a Dreamwalker till I was seventeen. They had no clue about my powers and I waited for the perfect time to use them. I set there house on fire after escaping..."

"What about Johnny?"

"Johnny. He was put into a coma when I was seventeen. That's how I found out about my power. He told me not to stay. To leave this place and never come back. He died the night Bri died." I say, looking down at my hands. I feel a finger under my chin, making me look at Steve. He brings me close, hugging me.

"I am so sorry you had to live through that." I shake my head and pull back.

"Nineteen, depressed, suicidal, living in hell. They found me in at my work. Told me they found out about my sister. That they had her and was raping her. I got really mad and kinda set my work on fire. I was labeled a witch. A freak. Some monster who shouldn't be ali..." I was stopped but Steve putting his hand over my mouth.

"You are not a monster. Keria, you are amazing. Beautiful, wonderful." I blush. Steve's lip is bleeding again.

" lip." I stutter. He touches it. I press my thumb against the cut and frost it over. I smile a little. I then heat it up. The bleeding stops.

"That comes in handy." I whisper, looking down. Steve makes me look up again. He closes the space between us. Our lips inches apart. The elevator opens and we pull apart. I blush and look away.

"Oh hey guys." Nat yawns. She walks in her room.

"I guess we should get some sleep..." I trail off. Steve sighs and gets up. He helps me up which presses me against him. I look up at him. He leans down, his hot breath tickling my neck.

"Remember Keria, your not a monster." He whispers. He leaves the floor. I go to my room and fall onto my bed. We were going to kiss. I blush and bury my face into my pillow.

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