Chapter One

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1209, Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Marvel characters in this story.  

"BRIANNA." I whine. She shakes her head and throws my sketch book on her desk. She works for Stark Industries, and because of a little problem I have, I am not aloud to work, plus I wouldn't be able to find a job anyways. So I am at Bri's office, bored out of my mind.

"You need to go out and socialize." Bri says, sitting down. Her office door opens and in walks Mr. Tony Stark. I shrank back into the couch.

"Miss Brianna, my friends are coming here and I would like you to give them a tour of the place. I will meet you guys in conference room B in two hours." Bri nods. He walks out. Bri sighs. She gets up.

"I will be back as soon as I can." I nod.

"Hey, I am going to go get coffee, want anything?"

Usual." She says, walking out of her office. I grab my sketch book and shove it into my bag. I walk out of her office and run into Tony Stark.

"Oh I-I'm sorry Mr. Stark." He chuckles.

"Its alright dear."

"I am running for coffee, would you like anything?" I ask. He thinks.

"Yes. Black coffee please." He pulls out his wallet and hands me money. I try and stop him but he insists. He also asked if I could get Pepper something. So, I am heading out, to Starbucks to get coffee. Everyone glares at me. I sigh and flip my hood up. I get my order and have a hard time carrying it all back. I almost dropped the drinks when someone came to help me. I look up to see Pepper. I've meant her once.

"Hi Keria." I smile shyly. I grab the one for her.

"Mr. Stark asked if I could get you this." She smiles. We both take Mr. Stark's coffee to him. He smiles at the both of us. I try and give him his change back but he says I can keep it. I sigh. People. I walk to Bri's office, hoping she would be there but no luck. I sit at her desk and pull out my sketch book. I start rough sketching something as my mind wanders. I've always wanted to work. But because of my depression and past I cannot. Even if I could, no one would want to hire me. I am a freak after all. Someone who shouldn't have been born. Someone who should die. Someone who should drown in a sea of.....

"Keria calm down." Bri's soothing voice says. I take a deep breath. And another. And another till I am calm. I nod and smile at her. She grabs her drink and cookie.

"Thank you." I nod. She looks at my sketch and smiles.

"I think they would love to see that." I look down to that I drew the Avengers. I blush and shake my head no. Bri is called out. She smiles at me before leaving. I am just finishing up the rough sketch when someone walks in. They don't notice me at first. When they see me their eyes widen.

"Ah, the freak everyone knows." I flinch. I look down, ready to cry. "Haven't killed yourself yet. What a shame?" I hear the door lock. "But good for me. Wanna know why I am here? To get information on you. Seems that my boss has an very high interest in you. I don't see why. You are nothing but a stupid little girl that cant even stick up for herself." He sighs. "Anywho. Since you are I guess I'll just bring you in instead." He grabs a gun and points it at me. I freeze. He walks over to me and roughly grabs my arm. He looks at my rough sketch. "Pitty that they will never save a freak like you." The words, Freak like you, echo through my head. I drop my head, as a tear falls. He drags me to the door. He stops when he hears someone pounding on it.

"Hey Keria let me in." Bri yells. I flinch. She continues pounding. She stops and starts whispering to someone. The door is busted in and I feel the cold metal of his gun being pressed into my temple.

"Don't move." He hisses. Everyone stops. Bri gasps. He points the gun at her, but I move his arm before he could shoot her. I try and run but he kicks my knee out. I don't scream. Someone comes flying in, smashing him through the window. Bri helps me up.

"Thank you." She gasps, hugging me. I just stare out the window. Why does his boss want me? How does his boss know me? Who the hell is his boss?

"Keria. KERIA." I snap my eyes to Bri's. She gasps. I grab my sunglasses and quickly put them on. Mr. Stark arrives back in the office. He takes his mask off and looks at me. I look at the ground.

"What did he say to you?" He asks. Everyone looks at me. I don't like all this attention. My breathing hitches. I run out the door, with Bri calling my name. I don't stop. I run out of the building. I only stop when I find my bike. I hop onto it and speed home. I make it to my apartment building. I run inside and unlock my apartment. I slam the door shut and slide down it. My phone starts blasting. I answer it.

"I'm sorry Bri. I just couldn't breath with everyone watching me." I cry.

"Oh honey, its okay. Remember deep breaths." I listen to her talk as I calm myself.

"I'm calm."

"Keria, you need to tell me what happened?" I sigh. Leaning my head against my door. I hear smashing.

"Umm...Bri, I think someone is breaking into my apartment." I scream as the bullet wizzes past me. I drop my phone in the process. I duck under cover. I am breathing shallow breath's and black dots are dancing in front of my eyes. I close my eyes wishing for death. Then I hear more smashing and grunts of pain. Then I feel someone's hand on my arm and almost screamed.

"Whoa." Mr. Stark says. I cant breath. I am slowly losing conciouness.

"Bri she isn't breathing right." Mr. Stark yells.

"Stark." My eyes snap up to a pair of blue ones. He cant see my eyes, but his have me tranced. I snap out of it and gain control of my breathing. I lean my head back. The blue eyed man hands Mr. Stark something. He reads it and looks at me before handing it to me.

'Dear Miss McLougin,
Do you want to continue putting your family in danger. Remember what happened last time? Oh how I do. I will get to you. You will be mine and I will control you. Your may not have given us what we wanted but it was enough. Enjoy your last moments of being free.


Also with a symbol I know all to well. How is this possible? I thought he was dead. Someone coughs and my eyes snap up to Mr. Starks.

"Looks like you have some explaining to do." He says.

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