First Encounter

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"Ken!" I turned back and saw a little girl running towards my direction.
"What's wrong, May?" I ask when she reached me. She's breathing heavily then suddenly she lost consciousness. My body suddenly moved towards her and thankfully I caught her. The moment I touched her body I felt a weird energy. I immediately teleported us to my house. I laid her to my bed and treated her. My suspicion was correct. She was attack by someone like us. But who could it be? And why? I thought this place is free from people like us.

Before I continue, let me introduce myself. I'm Xyp Kenzie Kiara. An extraordinary being in an ordinary environment. I was alone when I was seven years old but I met May who is unexpectedly like me, an extraordinary one. We've been friends for as long as I remember.

"Hmmmm" May moaned. I immediately checked her temperature. Shit! It's way above normal. What should I do? I went in deep thinking.

"That's it!" I said. I positioned myself beside May and kneeled. I placed my two hands above May's forehead and began to use my healing power. Yes, you heard it right. I have a healing power. I already told you I'm an extraordinary being.
"Ken, stop. You'll lose your energy plus you'll be accessing a link that will give them our address." May said.
"I don't care. I have to cure you or you'll die." I said.
"Stubborn as always" she said and closed her eyes. I just smiled and finished what I'm doing.
"There. It's done." I said with a smiley face.

My smile faded when I felt a powerful energy that is fast approaching. I immediately embraced May and teleported us to a place not known to me.

"Where are we?" May asked.
" I don't know. All I thought about a while ago was a safe place." I said. May stood up.
"Are you alright now?" I asked. She nodded. I stood beside her and we look at the horizon.
"Is that a city?" May asked.
"I don't see any." I said.
"Open your power and you'll see what I'm talking about." She said.
"You mean full power?" I asked. She shook her head.
"Sub element will do." She said.
"Which one?" I asked.
"Lightning." She answered. I did what he told me and she was right. There really is some what like a city at the foot of the mountain.
"You're right." I said.

"Stay where you are!" We both turned around and saw no one.
"I said stay where you are!"
"What will you do if I don't?" May and I made contact. Both of us were surprised. We thought we're caught.
"You're forbidden to set foot in here. Death will be the punishment of those who disobey that order." Curiosity strike me and suddenly I was moving slowly towards where the voices are. May silently followed me. I hid among the bushes and peeked. I saw a guy holding a big blade and the other is dressed like a ninja. The ninja laughed.
"I believe I have a belonging that was lost here." The ninja said.
"That's ridiculous." The big blade bearer said and he swayed his blade and my eyes widened when the blade was engulfed by a fire. The ninja smiled and took a step backward and released a black smoke which covered his whole body. I felt his energy is slowly fading. The blade bearer attacked the black smoke but he was pissed when he found out that the ninja escaped.

"Ouch!" I immediately looked at May.
"Who's there?" The blade bearer asked as he approached our hiding place.
"Show yourselves!" He demanded. I bit my lower lip and immediately change the color of my eyes.
"What are you doing?" May asked in a low voice.
"Hide your true appearance." I said. She immediately followed my command without asking further questions.
"What should we do?" May asked again.
"Show ourselves." I said and I stood up.
"Who are you and what are you doing here?" The man asked.
"I'm Xyp Kenzie Kiara and she's May Faye Fortalejo. Sorry if we barged in in your territory." I said.
"We're kinda lost here." May said. The man lowered his blade.
"Names Vern Venedict. I'm a guard of Elemental Academy. Pardon me if I may ask. How'd you got here?" Sir Venedict said.

"It was my teleporting technique that brought us here Sir Venedict." I answered. His jaw dropped.
"You're an elementaler?" He asked. We shook our heads.
"We don't know who we are. In the environment that we grew up, we're different from everyone." May said.
"Then you're neither elementaler nor destroyer." He said.
"Destroyer?" May and I said in unison. The man nodded.
"Destroyers use dark magic in their evil plans." He said.
"Like the ninja?" I asked. He nodded.
"Yes like the ninja." He said.

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