Rise of the Destroyer

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Faye's POV

We're here at the falls.
"Shall we start?" Xyp asked.
"Are you sure?" I asked her.
"It's the only way." Xyp said.
"What should I do?" I asked.
"Can you release Kenzie?" She asked. My eyes widened.
"Xyp." I muttered.
"Have faith in me Faye." She said. I don't know. I think the idea's bad but my heart says follow it.
"Are you ready?" Xyp asked. I took a deep breathe and let out a sigh.
"Ready." I said.
"Once I opened the seal, release Kenzie immediately." Xyp said. I nodded. I went 5 meters away from Xyp. She made a circle around the seal. She stood on the seal and uttered some words.

"With the spirit of the white dragon I unlock this seal;
With the guide of the white dragon I unleash the power within;
With the help of the four elements I open this seal;
The prison within is free to emerged."

Then suddenly the seal emitted light.
"Faye, now!" I heard Xyp shouted. I released Kenzie and she was immediately absorbed by the light. And the light went brighter and brighter. Then slowly it fades.

"K-ken?" I asked.
"May." She said and smiled. I ran towards her and hugged her.
"Who opened the seal?" Ken asked.
"Xyp did." I said.
"Where is she?" She asked. We look for her but she's nowhere to be found. We only found her pendant.
"Xyp!" I shouted.

Kenzie's POV

I picked the pendant. May said this was hers. I opened it and I got her message.
"Xyp!" May shouted.
"May, stop. Let's go." I said.
"But Ken."
"Have faith on her." I said. She just nodded and followed me. We walk towards the academy.
"I released Kenzie." May said.
"I know. She's with me." I said.
"Is she on AWOL again?" May said.
"She promised she will never do that again." I said. I know she will not because Xyp is here. Her purpose is now at reach.

"Where have you been?" A very familiar voice said. I faced him and smiled.
"Xyp, what's with that smile and May?" Jet said. Yes, Jet was at the entrance of the forest.
"Jet!" I said and immediately hugged him.

Jet's POV

I was shocked when Xyp hugged me. She's different. Then my eyes widened when I realized I was being hugged by my love.
"K-ken?" I said.
"Its me." She said. I hugged her tighter.
"I missed you." I said.
"I'm sorry." She said.
"Where's Xyp?" I asked.
"She just have to take care of something. She'll be back. Have faith on your future ruler." She said. She's now more confident than ever.
"Why are you like that?" I asked.
"Its because of Xyp." May said.
"I was created for her." Ken said.
"Created?" I and May asked in chorus. Ken nodded.
"What do you mean?" I asked. She was about to say something when suddenly we heard the bell of the academy.
"We're under attack?" May said.
"Don't tell me Xyp didn't survive." Ken said.
"What?!" I bursted.
"Tss. Let's go." Ken said.

Kenzie's POV

We're running towards the front gate where the attack is. Please let me be wrong this time. Xyp can not die. Without her I can't go on. She's my life.
"Ken!" I was taken to reality when I heard Jet and May call my name.
"She'll be okay. I believe in her. She'll be fine." Jet said and smiled. May who is just beside him nodded.

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