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Jet's POV

Fuck! I'm going to be late. I did my morning routine and went to the kitchen. Everybody looked at me.
"What?" I asked them.
"What day is today?" Kyron asked.
"First day of class." I answered. Then they hurriedly ate their foods and ran towards their rooms. What is wrong with them? I sat on the table and ate the food they left. After eating, I fixed the table and washed the dishes. Tsk. Nothing has changed. I was about to go out when suddenly...

"Jet!" I looked back and saw them ready to go to school.
"Let's go together." Mark said.
"Besides, we're all juniors now, aren't we?" Kyron said. The hell. I almost forgot. I thought I'm a sophomore. I just smiled at them. We walked towards the academy. The moment we enter the academy, every girl was talking nice things about us.

"Where's our room, Ky?" Mark asked.
"3-A." He answered. We all stopped and looked at him.
"3-A?!" We said in chorus. Kyron smiled.
"Are you serious?" Dane asked.
"I'm dead serious." Kyron said.
"Yes!" Mark shouted which made everybody stop and looked at us. My eyes caught a girl. She's looking at me.
"Ken?" I said then she started walking away from me. There she go again. Running away. I sighed.
"Let's go to our room." Kyron said. We walked and walked until we found our room. At first it was noisy but when we entered it became worse. Geez. My eardrum. It hurts. The girls started to squeel like pigs. Ough! But one girl caught my attention. She's sleeping and yet she's not bothered by the noise. The girls keep on squeeling until...

"Will everybody shut up!" The sleeping girl shouted. Everybody looked at her.
"That's better." She said and went back to sleep. I smiled. She's different from the Ken I first met. Me and my buddies sat at the back where Ken sat. After a few minutes, a professor came in. Ugh! Professor Wilson? Of all professors?
"Hello again elementalers. I'll be your Defense and Tactic professor. I'll teach you how to defend yourselves from your enemy and how to defeat them. But before that I believe that we have a new student here." Professor Wilson said. I woke up Ken.
"What?" She asked.
"Miss Kiara?" Professor Wilson said. Ken stood up.
"Yes?" She said.
"Introduce yourself." Professor Wilson said.
"Names Xyp Kenzie Kiara. You can call me Xyp or Ken but never Kenzie. So if you value your life, do as I say." She said with authority. Everybody nodded except me. What's wrong with Kenzie? It's a beautiful name.
"Thank you Miss Kiara." Professor Wilson said. Then she sat down and went to sleep again. Seriously? Sleepy head. Professor Wilson just gave us an overview of what we'll be doing for the rest of the days to come and since today is first day, he dismissed us earlier.

"Jet, let's grab some food." Dane said. I looked at Ken and she's still asleep.
"Grab some for me." I said and gave him some money.
"You're not coming?" Mark asked. I pointed at Ken who is still asleep.
"Ooohh." They said and left. I looked at Ken. Her hair is turning silver and the desk is changing into steel. What's happening? I tried to wake her up but I felt electricity every time I touch her.

"What did you do?!" I looked at the door and there I saw a girl.
"Nothing. I did nothing." I said. She immediately approached Ken.
"Fuck! Not now." She said.
"What is it?" I asked.
"It's her power." She simply stated. I watch her do some enchantment on Ken.
"What's that for?" I asked.
"To stable her mind." She said then she used her wind power to carry Ken.
"Can I use your dorm to treat her?" She asked. I nodded and led the way to the dorm. Glad nobody's at the hallway because they're busy eating at the canteen. After five minutes we arrived at our dormitory. I unlocked the front door and we went inside.
"Where's your bedroom?" She asked. I pointed the one at the corner.
"Perfect." She said.
"What?" I asked.
"Well, Ken always likes the corner so it'll be faster for her recovery if she's treated in that same area." She explained. I nodded.

"Let me go!" Ken shouted.
"What's going on?" I asked in a panicked voice.
"She's trying to heal herself."
"What?" I said.
"Open the door quick." She said. I immediately opened the door and she immediately placed Ken on the bed.
"I'm sorry but you have to wait outside." She said so I went outside and locked the room.

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