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Someone's POV

"Xyp!" I stopped walking and looked back. It's Kyra, my best friend. She's running towards me.
"Let's walk to school together." Kyra said. I just nodded.

While we're walking, let me say something about myself. I'm Xyprene Eleazar. I was adopted when I was just seven years old. My foster parents died in an accident so now that I'm in high school, my aunt left me here in the Philippines thus, I live alone.

"Xyp, did you do our assignment?" Kyra asked. I shook my head. Kyra let out a deep breathe.
"As always. Here copy it and understand it." She said and he hand me her assignment.
"Thank you, Ky." I said.
"Stop that. I hate that nickname." She said. I just laughed. We reached our room and everybody's busy copying and comparing their answers.
"Quick. You only got 15 minutes." Kyra said and she grabbed my hand and run to our table. I sat down and started to copy Kyra's assignment. I'm almost done when suddenly my paper got burned! I immediately put off the fire and gave Kyra's paper back.

"What happened?" Kyra asked. I looked around and saw my classmates gossiping.
"I'm sorry Ky." I said and run away. I run as fast as I can and away as possible from school. After hours of running away, I found myself in the middle of a jungle? Or should we say a forest. I can't imagine that there's such place in a city like this. I walked and walked until I found a pond. I touched the water in the pond and to my surprise it turned into ice! I immediately went away from the pond. What's happening to me? Why am I feeling these weird things?

"Did you do that?" My heart nearly jumped out of my body. I looked back but there's nothing there. I looked around and found no one. Am I hallucinating? I stood up and fixed my clothes and walked back to civilization.

Kyra's POV

Hi. Kyra Antonio here, Xyp's best friend.

Where the hell did that girl go? I'm looking for Xyp for almost three hours. I kept on calling her cell but she's not picking it up. Ugh!!! My head is aching. Xyprene Eleazar, you'll pay for doing this to me. I'm her best friend but I feel she's keeping her problem from me.

I walked and walked and decided to go to her place. I am near her place when I saw an unfamiliar face. She's wearing a red coat with a hoodie. Weird. I only see clothing styles like that on movies. Wait. Are they shooting a movie here? I looked around but I saw no camera man, direct or some actors and actresses. I look at the gate of Xyp's house and I was shocked. The hoodie girl is no longer there. I approached the door and pressed the button for the bell.

"Who is it?" Xyp asked from the intercom.
"It's Kyra." I answered.
"Come in." She said. And the gate automatically opened. I entered then I closed the gates. I entered her mansion and found her on the living room watching television.
"Why did you run away?" I asked her when I approached her. She just looked at me then to the television.
"Xyp, what's the problem?" I asked again as I sit beside her.
"What problem?" She asked back.
"I know there's something wrong. Spill it out." I said. She sighed and faced me. Her face is serious.
"Promise me you'll never freak out." She said. Suddenly I felt fear all over me. I didn't respond to her.
"Never mind." She said and went upstairs. What did I just do? What kind of friend am I? I watch Xyp step on the stairs. What should I do?
"If you have nothing to ask or say, you can go." She said.
"I'm your best friend. You can tell me everything. I'm here to help you with your problem." I said. She stopped walking and face me. My eyes widened. H-her hand is on fire!
"X-xyp, y-your hand is on f-fire." I said while pointing to her hand.
"This is my problem, Ky." She said.
"How?" I asked her. This time I approached her.
"I don't know." She said and started to cry. I huugged her.
"Shhhhh. We'll find a solution to this." I said.
"Your hood's on fire, Ky." She said which made me took off my jacket. Holy crap! I forgot her hand is on fire. I was about to stomp on my jacket when suddenly a water splashed and put of the fire.
"Where did that water came from?" I asked.
"Me." She said.
"Y-you can do that?" I asked. She nodded. Cool!
"What else can you do?" I asked again.
"Turn water into ice." She said. What? Like a freezer?

"Ky, I'm sorry you have to be involved in a problem like this." She said.
"I'm your best friend and best friends help each other no matter what the consequences are." I said and smiled at her. She smiled back.
"How can I control these things?" She asked.
"I don't want the whole city to know this. And that would make me dangerous." She continued.
"Practice." I said.
"Your willing to help me out?" She asked.
"What are friends for?" I said.
"Thank you, Ky." She said and hugged me.
"Xyp! Didn't I tell you that I hate that nickname?" I said to her. I heard her chuckle.

Jet's POV

It's been three days since Ken sacrificed herself for us. It's difficult to accept but I have to cause no matter what I do, I can't bring her back. She's the only girl that had the courage to talk back to me. She's a unique girl. I smiled remembering our first encounter.

"Your thinking about her, aren't you?" Mark asked. We're here at the palace. What are we doing here? The queen requested our presence and right now we're waiting for her.
"She's hard to forget." I said. Mark just laughed.
"What's funny?" Kyron asked.
"Nothing." I said. Mark stopped laughing when the queen arrived. We stood up and paid our respects to her. He went to her chair and gestured us to sit. We all sat down.
"I called you here because of an urgent request." Queen Victorina said. I stayed quiet even though I have questions in my mind. She sighed.
"Someone sent a letter saying she found the princess." She said. That made us all stand up.
"She's alive?" I asked.
"We don't know that for sure. That's why I called you four to investigate on this issue." Queen Victorina said.
"If that's all then we'll be going." Mark said.
"There's more." Queen Victorina said which made me more curious.
"She's in an ordinary environment and she's in trouble." Queen Victorina said.
"In trouble?" Dane asked.
"The letter said she can't control her powers." Queen Victorina said.
"That's a bad scenario." I said.
"You can go now. And please report to me immediately if you found her." Queen Victorina said.
"Yes, Your Majesty." We said in chorus then we went outside. On our way out we saw Sir Wallace and Sir Venedict discussing a very important issue. Their faces are too serious.

"Is it true?" Dane asked. Sir Wallace and Sir Venedict looked at us.
"Let's hope so." Sir Venedict responded.
"You're the one that hid her, right?" Kyron asked. Sir Venedict just nodded.
"Any sign which may tell that she's the one?" Mark asked. Sir Venedict thought for a moment.
"I'm not sure if this will help. She has a burn mark on her right shoulder." Sir Venedict said.
"That will not help. Burn marks heal." Kyron said.
"Anything else?" I asked.
"Her eyes are reddish purple when she's angry and turns brown when she's calm." Sir Venedict said.
"That's it?" Mark asked.
"If I remember it correct, she has a crown mark on her chest." Sir Venedict said.
"And she has an angel wings on her back. The mark that the elders gave her." We all looked at our right.
"Your Highness." We said and paid our respects to him.
"I'm not putting a big hope on this but do what you must and find her." King Harold said.
"Yes, Your Highness." We said in chorus. King Harold left us.
"Thanks for the information." I said and we left Sir Venedict and Sir Wallace on the hallway.

Kyra's POV

"Come on Xyp!" I shouted. We're in the middle of a forest. I don't even know how Xyp found this forest. We're practicing how she can control her magic if that's what they call it. It's been three days and we've discovered that she can also control the earth and the wind. Creepy right? Well, at first I felt it is creepy but now it's cool.
"Ky, stop spacing out!" She shouted and the hell! She attacked me with her wind. I almost got blown away!
"What's that for?!" I asked.
"Nothing." She said. Ugh!! Why does she always do that?
"Ky, I think you need to take cover." She suddenly said. Take what? I looked at her face and it looks like she's not joking so I immediately run and hide behind a tree. After sometimes I felt a very strong wind and the earth is shaking. I covered my head and closed my eyes. Lord, I don't want to die. I prayed.

Jet's POV

We were walking toward our dorm when suddenly I felt something weird inside me.
"What's this feeling?" Mark asked. I looked back and saw them trembling in pain. Then I too joined them. Shit! It's too painful. My elements are out of control. They like to emerge. I can't take this anymore. Then all went black.

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