Past and Present

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Xyprene's POV

I was amazed at what's before me. A place full of magic. Finally a place where I fit in. For years, I struggled just to be who I am not because of fear of being unique.
"What is this place?" I asked.
"Elemental. This is where people like us live." Jet said. Us? Happiness, this is what I felt when I heard his words.
"This is the world where people who poses power belong." Bea added. I smiled at here. I thought I would never find such place.

"Why's this hidden?" I asked.
"We're not the only ones that live on the world. Other place think they're only the inhabitants but they're wrong. Some desires to seek their fate through travelling and with that they gain knowledge of others existence. We sealed the entrance to this place to prevent undesirable things to happen. Only those who belong to this place can enter." Sir Venedict answered.
"This place is the only undiscovered in this world." Kyron said.
"This must be a very important place." I said.
"Yes indeed." Jet said.
"This is interesting." I said. We walked for hours until we arrived at a small town. Everybody's happy and each is a unique one. I was attracted so much to the emotions around me not paying attention to my surroundings. I lost tract of my companion and now I'm in the middle of a foreign place. I walked and walked looking for them. I was stunned when I heard a lady screamed.

"Thief! Stop that thief!" The lady screamed. I looked at the guy running. He's hand signaling me to get out of his way but I can't just ignore situations like this. I positioned myself and attacked him using fire but he's good. He dodges every attack I throw at him and he also attacked me with his water. We fought to our limits but I still can manage to stand up.

Jet's POV

I was walking just beside Xyp then after sometimes she just disappeared. I keep on saying bad words. How can I let my guard down.
"Don't worry Jet. We'll find her." Aya said.
"Damn it." I said and walked towards park.

"Clifford's fighting a girl."
"Yeah. I heard she's new." I immediately approached the two guys who are walking behind me.
"Where?" I asked.
"J-jet." One of them said.
"Where's my brother?!" I asked. Yes, Clifford is my younger brother.
"A-at t-the market." They said. I immediately ran towards the market. There's so many people here.
"Get out of my way!" I shouted and everyone made way.

Clifford's POV

Tss. This girl's strong. I've never seen her before. She's beautiful in her simple ways.

"Get out of my way!" I smiled. Here comes my hard headed brother. I looked at him while he was walking towards us. His eyes is so red. I gulped. What made him so angry? He looked at me then the girl.
"What's going on here?" Jet asked.
"We're fighting. Isn't it obvious." The girl said. Myjaw dropped. She's not afraid? Everyone was shocked to her behavior.
"Xyp, I'm talking to you in a nice way." My brother said calmly. What the heck is happening here?
"Are you alright brother?" I asked. He looked at me and smiled. I was shocked but I managed to smile.
"He's back!" I shouted.
"Back? He was never gone." The girl said. I approached her. I took a long look at her then I realized.
"Ken?" I asked. I felt a tap on my shoulder and when I look at the one who tap me, it's my brother with a sad smile.
"Name's Xyprene Eleazar." She said.
"You're not Ken?" I asked.
"She's not."

"Damn! Jet!" We all looked at the one who shouted. It was Mark. He run towards us and gave Jet a punch in the face.
"Don't you ever do that again." Mark said. Jet kept quiet. Then Mark walked towards Xyprene.
"And you! What the hell do you think you're doing?" Mark said and he was about to slap her but I grabbed his hand.
"Don't you ever lay your hands on her." I said. He looked at my serious face and then he laughed loud.
"Got you." Mark said.
"The show's over everyone. Go back to your thing." Dane said. Everyone went to their own.
"Let's go. Sir Venedict is waiting." Kyron said.
"Can I come?" I asked.
"No!" Jet said. He's so bad. I pouted. Then we heard a laugh. It was Xyprene.
"What's funny?" Jet asked.
"You're brother's face is so funny." She said. We all look at her.
"What? Did I say something bad?" She asked.
"How did you know Jet and Clifford are brothers?" Dane asked.
"So you're Clifford eh. It's simple. They both are short tempered." She said.
"Eh?" Mark & Dane said.
"Stop what you're doing." Jet said.
"Alright. They both have the eyes of the water-fire dragon." She said.
"You know them?" I asked.
"I never actually met them but I read a lot about them." She said.
"But they're myth in the environment I come from." She continued. How on earth did a book from Elemental would be in a normal environment.

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