Meet Her Again

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Jet's POV

It's been three years since the incident.


"Wh-what happed?" I asked as I regain my consciousness.
"Well your element went AWOL." Sir Venedict said.
"And the others?" I asked when I noticed I'm in a room of white.
"They're resting at the other room." Sir Venedict said.
"Why would our element go AWOL?" I asked.
"It means that the princess' powers are fully emerged and she just accessed it." Sir Venedict answered.
"Why only us?" I asked.
"You're not the only one. Bea, Aya and Aida also experienced it." Sir Venedict said.
"But they're monoelemental." I said.
"Yes. That made us think too but the queen said that those who have been affected when the successor's full power emerged are her guardians." Sir Venedict said.
"Guardians. Like you and Sir Wallace?" I asked.
"Yes." He answered

End of flashback

Why us? And it had been a long time and yet we couldn't find her. We searched the whole Elemental but she's no where to be found. We also looked into the ordinary environment but nothing.

"Jet, you ready?" Mark asked. I looked at him and nodded. We're going again to the ordinary environment. Why? Because someone sent us a clue that the princess is living there.

Xypren's POV

"Wait up, Xyp!" I heard Ky shouted.
"Hurry!" I shouted back. Well we skipped classes again and went to the forest for another practice. We had done this for three years but I still can't control my powers especially when I'm mad.
"Stop!" Ky suddenly shouted so I immediately looked back. What the...
"Ky! You okay?" I asked. Well she slipped down and she's five meters away from me.
"Help!" She shouted which made me slid down to her.
"You okay?" I asked.
"My ankle." She said. I checked her ankle and it's swollen. Ghad, it's totally red.
"Don't just stare at it. Do something." She said.
"But you know what happened last time I tried to heal your wound." I said. Yes, last time she had a cut in her hand and when I tried to heal it, I made it worse so we went to see a doctor.
"I have faith in you, Xyp." She said. I took a deep breathe and used water to heal her ankle. I hope this works. I concentrated my energy at her ankle. After five minutes, Ky doesn't feel any pain.
"Thanks Xyp." She said. I smiled at her and stood up. I helped her get up.
"Let's go." I said. Ky nodded. Together we went to our training ground.

Jet's POV

We arrived at a place called Brooklyn. This is where Ken used to live. Yes, this is the second time we're here. We're in a forest and it seems the forest is welcoming us.
"Remember, don't just use your powers." Sir Venedict said. Yes, Sir Venedict and Sir Wallace is with us.
"No problem, Sir Venedict." Aida said. Yeah, them too is with us.
"Let's work per group." Sir Wallace said.
"Girls, you take the north side and boys the south. I'll take the west and Wallace take the east." Sir Venedict said.
"Will you be alright?" Mark asked.
"Don't worry about us. We're experienced than you. Worry about yourselves and be careful." Sir Wallace said. After that we part ways.

"Do you think she's really the successor?" Mark asked.
"We wouldn't be here if she's not." Kyron answered.
"Tss." That was me.
"Stop." Dane suddenly said.
"What is it?" I asked.
"Someone's here." Dane said.
"Where?" Mark asked. Dane didn't answer. He suddenly run and we followed him. He lead us to a training camp?
"What on earth is this?" I asked.
"A training ground for controlling powers." Mark said.
"How did you know?" I asked as I turn my head to look at him and there I found my answer. He's standing on a ceremonial circle.
"I bet they used this to access full power." Mark said. Kyron approached him and inspected the ceremonial circle.
"This wasn't used. It was created when the powers emerged." Kyron said.
"Emerged?" Dane asked.
"But that's impossible." Mark said. Suddenly an angry creature attacked us from nowhere.

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